
Spouted like a true foaming at the mouth wacko. Antifa seeks to end free speech, they are nut jobs. Neo Nazis are nut jobs to. Majority of rational people dont support either.

It sounds to me that bioware is trying to be more call of duty, baldurs gate. After the last two Dragon ages (especially Inquistion) I’ve all but given up this was my last home it sounds like it went the way of Inquisition, think I am done with bioware now sad they used to be my favorite. The old king is dead hail

Own the Vive bought it two weeks ago. The cable thing is misleading, only one cable is actually involved with you and the system, so the picture makes it look way worse than it actually is. The software issue the author is dead on, and may even be being nice. The software right now is CRAP, valves “The Lab” is the