Adam K

The first (and maybe second) season was curious and amusing, but I still think this show will be quickly forgotten once ended. Trolls have been very generous with their personal opinions about me when I write this. But none, as yet, have actually detailed what exactly makes this a good series.

We have been on same page about so many things over many years, so me surprised to be on such opposite sides of this one. As wise man and cookie enthusiast once said, me hated this movie. Hated, hated, hated, hated, hated it. (For record, diatribe that follows not aimed at you in any way, Mr. Kinsey, me just wanted to

Said this yesterday, but: Cruise has never been better than he is in this movie, and it’s impossible to tear your eyes off him whenever he’s onscreen. His weaponized charisma, frankly insane physique, and defensive intensity is all harnessed in the service of the character, who’s not only believable but prescient. I

No love for “Itchy and Scratchy Land” ? Well a hardy Fuck you I say to you.

My first thought was “wait...there have been dozens of movies just like this...”

The Death of Stalin was clever, but rarely actually funny. I got the absurdity, and the juxtaposition of party leaders clumsily try to fill a power vacuum, but *shrugs*. The jokes themselves were pretty milquetoast.

The lack of an epi-pen is “we can’t get cell service out here” level laziness. At least break the damn thing or leave it somewhere at the party or something.

My God; there’s another person who remembers The Corner Bar! And yes, the next summer, when Gabe Dell was replaced, it was no longer funny.

This. Most of the Trump supporters I know are well-off white people who are simply fucking douchebags who imagine themselves to be victims in spite of all their undeserved success and literally never having been a victim of anything in their entire lives. They’re victims of Obama even though their shitty McMansion’s

I’m going to assume Matt Damon turns into a tiny Bourne who has to crawl into people’s ears and punch their brains to kill them.