The Apple Car appears to be dead. Is it because making cars is hard? Is it because making phones is just too easy?…
The Apple Car appears to be dead. Is it because making cars is hard? Is it because making phones is just too easy?…
Flip Flappers is a new magical girl anime bursting with charisma. It’s an ebullient story of female companionship…
Lexington police have arrested three men in Sunday morning’s shooting death of Trinity Gay, the 15-year-old daughter…
This month, Harvard University received a $10 million donation earmarked to study residents in poor neighborhoods in…
In the wake of Donald Trump being caught bragging to the fourth-most famous Bush in America about the practice of…
With all manner of Republican lawmakers revoking their endorsements of Donald Trump, it was only a matter of time…
In America—despite our inequality and blatant cronyism—the socialists never win. The socialists never could have…
In October, Anna Stubblefield, 45, a Rutgers University ethics professor, was found guilty of aggravated sexual…
USA Today’s Kevin Johnson has followed the lives of nine inmates who were all released from solitary confinement on…
What is on your walls, teens? Is it all just holograms and memes these days?
Friends: Today is my last day at Jezebel.