
if only destiny want such garbage

still catching up to xbox in updates/stability/features I see, lol.

and after all that you finally get to enjoy your buggy unoptimized console ports!

no man's sky is a timed exclusive

this indie game is so MEH

Valve also officially announced the Source 2 engine, "the successor to the Source engine used in Valve's games since the launch of Counter-Strike: Source and Half-Life," which will be free for game developers.

But Valve IS having a presentation on the 5th, about the next gen of high end graphics.....

Not according to Faux News lol

five nights isn't really scary. I think most people just "act" scared for the sake of their friends. Not necessarily "faking" it, just similar to that phenomenon that people are most likely to react (be it laugh or jump) if theyre watching with other people.

if u look closely, you can actually see a half life 3 announcement on the dress...

bahahaah lol

destiny is such complete utter garbage

well deserved. now release Half-Life 3.

geearbox SUCKS. garbage lying dev ALIENSCOLONIAL MARIENS!!!!

destiny sucks. game is complete garbage

not surprised. everyone was pretty sure this game would suck after seeing the early demos and after hearing the impressions. Sony has really shot themselves in the foot with all their bragging about graphics, and have forgotten about good GAMEPLAY. They're embarrassing themselves recently with games like this

it only "derailed" it bc it exposed the game as garbage.

still better than the duelshock 3.

Xbox One and ps4 always look exactly the same for every game. The "power" difference is really negligible to non-existent.

destiny is GARBAGE! stopped playing that crap months ago