
dat last story

lol sony is so desperate for money they have to sell off their studios and give them to xbox haha

console master race/pc master race >>>>>> mobile peasants

good marketing can sell a terrible game. just look at destiny.

this makes me so sad to see how AC has fallen from grace. AC2 was a masterpiece, and Ubisoft ruined the franchise by killing off desmond, making the modern day segments boring and with no story, and making less likable and les interesting protagonists. *sigh*

lol OK good luck with that ahaha

typical indiestation game lol

thats awesome!!!

new dashboard for xb1......

lol destiny sucks the dick of death ahahaha

nice, good job MS! The xb1 is plenty powerful for a modern gaming console.

idiot should've got an xbox one lol

lol lets see how many weeks it takes psn to get back online


a lot of sony on this list

xb1 FTW!!!

destiny sucks bungie has fallen from grace. shame all the talent went to 343i and even they couldnt launch MCC with no issues. (Its better now though at least)

im hoping for a Win10 dashboard for XB1

*destiny is a total mess. -Fixed