
I really want one... I could almost consider getting one of these instead of a MBP next year...

Why not play devil's advocate? No one else will. Nice try, Bill.

It is demonstrating the functionality that the ad platform presents, and that is its primary purpose. It's arguably for ads, but the feature focus should be the main function.

I hope this isn't a reality. My problem with capacitive buttons is exactly what you stated: there's so much accidental clickage.

There are very strict UI guidelines! Well, for Market Apps at least. Samsung, LG, and others tend to want to make Android as ugly as they possibly can. There are totally guidelines... these guidelines right here. I was thinking about designing an app icon and wanted to know if there were any rules I had to follow.

Windows 7 was so recent, though! Although, I admit it should have been just a service pack for Vista, this is still quite soon for a new version. XP will have be the 4th most recent OS when 8 is out. It's scarcely 10 years old! When did Microsoft start being all Apple-y and release OS versions every other year or so?

How can you not know what you looked like?

I hope I'm not the only one mad at the usage of the iPad as a coaster. Just because there's a new model out doesn't mean it's garbage!

That just looks unnecessarily cruel! The thumbnail made me think that it would be silhouette shots of dogs and people jumping at the same time... but the first time the guy jumped on the dog I let out a little whimper.

Nah. Just that they're too biased against one specific phone (and it is a fantastic phone) in particular. If you've used one, with or without a case, you'll know that unless you practically smother the thing whilst in an extremely weak cell zone, your call will stay on the line. My dad has one, and when I use it or he

That's so cool! I want one! Whoever invented this deserves a hearty high-five, handshake, and bag of hundred dollar bills.

This is useless unless it comes with an adapter for charging all three at once.

@Travis Miller: Flash and bluetooth are available for the iPad as well, and it's about the same work you had to go through to get CM7. Heck, bluetooth comes standard with every iOS except the 1st generation iPod touch. And jailbreaking an iOS device is most likely significantly easier than installing a custom ROM on

@sammy baby: I use Canada's website... and I wasn't redirected at all.

That's because iMovie for Mac is bloated and inefficient. iMovie for the iPad was built with existing functions but pretty much from the ground up specifically for the iPad, so there's most likely quite a lesser draw on resources.

That's an alright song, but the video for it is awesome. And AJ is my initials.

@Psylokz: No. Flash would kill battery life. Although the option would be nice, and that's what jailbreaking is for. Apple intentionally provides a closed system, a system that just works (and works very, very well with little flaws or hiccups) and that's all most users need. 90% of people won't be replacing a laptop

You should've gone for the Daft Punk reference in the title: "The new iPad 2: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger in basically every way".

@usedtowork: Nope. It's an install from Cydia.

So no second-gen device love? Oh well.