C. Schanck

Family plans are not eligible, natch.

Grr. They tasted fine, but when I released the pressure, I got half and half everywhere. Not ideal for cleanup slobs like me.

This. Every time, this.

Seems a little over-representative of the rebooted series perhaps, but a good list. I hate Ghostlight, however. And I *loved* Terminus, with it’s awesome mood, and Nyssa leaving. It was brilliantly scary. I watched on a stormy dark night, all alone, and it had me on pins and needles.

You need to raise your sad, sad sandwich game. Toast that fucking bread, and you can pile your leftovers a mile high.

Slice and half, always. Make two goddamned sandwiches, you know you'll eat them.

I could wish for better handling of unicode, but it is pretty good.

And, it is happy to swallow large files, and it handles unicode properly. +1.

Sadly, it stinks at really big files on Windows, even the 64-bit version.