We need a thumbs down button for dum comments like yours.
We need a thumbs down button for dum comments like yours.
He didn’t kill anyone. They killed themselves by ignoring plain and clear warnings and not watching the road.
NO they said that after x amount of miles on thier track driving it like a track car it would run out. The calcuation was given by telsa. Then they showed a car being pushed into a warehouse when it wasn’t out of power. #wellactually
They also said the brakes had gone bad, which they hadn’t.
I’ve read electric car hit pieces in too many reputable publications (e.g. spectrum.ieee.org has had several —the electrical engineers’ publication SHOULD NOT be taking an absurdly pessimistic view of electric cars) to assume that Musk is just being paranoid.
A million times this. I see shit linked all the time from “Forbes” which turns out to be something by a contributor that, wouldn’t ya know it, is absolute shit. Totally kills any credibility the editors of Forbes have, not because they aren’t good at their jobs, but because now Forbes is associated with morons who…
Thats not at all what happened, Top Gear straight up lied during the review saying the car ran out of juice, which was not the case at all.
You are 100% correct. I thought Oliver’s sketch on the name was idiotic at best, and undermined his overall point, which was (probably) valid. Anyone perpetuating the “Drumpf” thing is doing themselves and everyone else a disservice. It muddies the actual point, that Trump is toxic for this country, and lowers the…
It’s almost like people changed their last names when immigrating to the US. Weird.
Exactly ....
You realize Drumpf is actually how you spell Trump in German right? Or did John Oliver not feed you that? It’s like mocking someone’s last name being Muller, when it’s Miller; or Xanders, Hungarian for Alexander [the Great], when it’s Sanders, as in Bernie Sanders. Fucking idiot.
Uggghh...this is what happens when somewhat reputable mags like Fortune decide to do a “contributor network.”
I don’t know... this feels like a counter media-blitz, similar to the whole lance armstrong saga: issue a strong denial and take a shot at the media criticizing you in hopes of winning public favor