Adolf Hitler

Due to recent developments in the news, I have come to the conclusion that shit has gotten too real. Therefore, I shall suspend this Adolf Hitler account indefinitely on January 1st, possibly in order to post under an alias. I wish to thank you all for your kind hospitality these past three years, even as I was

Hello, fellow Community fans! This is your season 5 and 6 CZ boards colleague Adolf Hitler wishing you and your beloved families a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah!

On Wednesday night, it is imperative for Hillary Clinton to mirror Joseph N. Welch's "Have you no sense of Decency, sir?" rant and strongly attack Donald Trump's claim of a rigged election. Trump's claim is too dangerous to not only the average Americans' trust in their own democracy, it possibly raises the chances

The articles and news pieces on Donald Trump's supporters and their reaction to latest developments have gotten tiresome. I feel as of this point I have obtained the most basic information about them:
1: They are mad, and their anger is supposedly much more valid than what other Americans are angry about.
2: A lot of

So much talk of Donald Trump; so little talk of a teaser trailer for John Wick: Chapter 2 being released.

This is a good point. GOP bylaws clearly have Trump on the ticket, and the only thing they can do now is find some third party candidate who they can support and ask voters to write-in.

Its also been reported that entire GOP is attempting a coup against Trump.

Donald Trump will now most certainly mention Bill Clinton's past infidelities in the town hall debate. There is no reason why it won't happen, especially after how he concluded tonight's apology message. The question becomes how Hillary Clinton responds to that moment. Something tells me that her campaign has long

Go Lemmiwinks! Stop Wikileaks!

If I were the Clinton camp, I would hire some tech people to fix the online polls after the second debate so that Trump would lose them. Then, when those online polls (especially sites like Drudge Report, Breitbart, and Infowars) conveniently have Clinton ahead, I would just make a screenshot of them like Trump did

I am very much looking forward to ELLE

The Android always seems to find a way, however. Look at the Gennifer Flowers incident on Saturday as an example.

We're not too far away from Donald Trump reacting on Twitter to the news that a) focus groups disliked him and b) Howard Dean accused him of doing cocaine. Buckle your seatbelts, friends. The night is not over yet.

Looking at the recent polling, it seems to have gotten tighter not because Trump's been gaining support, but because Hillary has been losing support to the 3rd party/undecided. If these focus groups are any indication, then that means a lot of people waffling on Clinton will come back to her.

Tina Fey shares a story of the guy who inspired Josh on 30 Rock:

If only I had Jimmy Fallon during the early '40s: talking shit about the Jews but also lyp-synching a song from Bing Crosby after the commercial break. Oh, how much of a moral boost would it have been to the country!

I have yet to view Arrival, but I have read the short story by Ted Chiang to which it is based on. It was a really good story. Considering the cast and crew involved, I expect the movie to be good as well.

A prediction: Paul Ryan will rescind his endorsement of Trump, but only after he wins his primary in August.

"At the start of this month, an undergraduate student at the New School for Social Research called Alexander Fine wrote a short blog post about the enduring legacy of Harambe, noting that the people most fascinated by the gorilla tended to be on the political left, and attempting to draw some kind of relation between

Cannes press members are certainly a well-traveled bunch.