
"AND WHAT'S ALTRUISM?!" Is the best moment of the show so far.

The clip in the article is the best recent example of dark comedy that isn't overly trying to be edgy or shock anyone for shocks sake.

I think Stefon is pretty well known as a Bill Hader/John Mulaney creation.

I don't know if you've seen comedy in an arena, but it is not an environment conducive to a good experience.

I saw him perform stand-up at the UCF arena and the first half of his act was painful, he is definitely more suited to clubs and such.

Definitely, it passes that threshold because it's not shooting for realism.

Holy shit, I've never seen a casting suggestion that surprised me so much and also makes so much sense.

He was a bright spot in the surprisingly good Chronicle.

Seeing him at the Comedy Cellar with Aziz is on the top 10 things I've seen in my life.

The last act was my favorite action sequence of the year.

Could it be that after Ghost Protocol any action sequence filmed in Dubai will live in a very high shadow?

Seriously, The Lone Ranger wasn't that bad.

Probably the most well developed quip machine on television.

Just rewatched this episode for the first time since it aired and I really didn't remember hating it as much as I did just now. I think it might have to do with watching with my girlfriend as she caught up with the whole show, but it's shit compared to season 3.

Actual Conversation:
"Excuse me, is Obama in this."
"Yes, he is. He is the President."
"He might be your President."
"Sir, that's not how it works. It's not the Hall of Presidents you agree with."

I hate that shit, or driving 10 under the limit in Windermere.

All the time, I just started telling them "no, it's Robama."

The "headhunters"? Nope, they're still there.

Yep! It was down for a while a couple years ago after catching on fire.

No, but if you get it at the quick service restaurant at the Polynesian you can fill up a cup as much as you can.