
I don't know... it's hard to know people's reasons for rejecting the part without hearing it from them. I like to think Charlie Hunnam said yes because it was so popular and then he read the actual script and was all, NOPE. Or maybe he had a nice, long conversation with someone who explained to him that there's a

It's not her fault. How she responds to it is her responsibility, though. If she wants her daughter to see other black faces as she grows up, she has to send her to a school with black students. It's important for children's development and identity to know people who look like them and understand their life

Oh yes, it is definitely a problem. We have huge immigrant populations from Somalia, Ethiopia, and other African countries, as well as Hmong and Karen and other Asian groups; there's significant racism in play between white and POC groups, as well as between American/not-recently-immigrated POC and immigrant POC. It's

Ugh, I have so many friends who just refuse to let their kids go to local public schools anywhere near the city centers (in the Twin Cities). They either pay for private school, or move to the suburbs. They're not intending to be racist, but they're still supporting the racial segregation that leaves white people in

Yeah, it took me a really long time to figure this out. I'm more one of those "face for radio" type of people, but I have a decent sense of humor and I'm pretty smart so I found friends eventually (later in high school; middle school was just brutal). It took me forever to figure out that the girls whom I hated on

I think there will always be people who, in any situation where there is a perceived advantage to be had, will fight tooth and nail to maintain those perceived advantages. For some women this might mean fighting to maintain their privilege, remove sexist barriers to their own advancement, and maintain barriers that

I think there's a definitely feedback loop going on for many of these names.

What ethnicity is Katie? It's short for Katherine, and isn't Katherine/Catherine just sort of Anglo (which usually isn't considered particularly ethnically... divisive?)? Or is Katie an ethnicity and Katherine not?

The thing is, I remember girls in high school who were the kind of gorgeous that should have been on the cover of Vogue or something, and yet they were kind of 'weird,' and didn't do the same make-up or hairstyles or wear the same clothes as the girls who for whatever reason were in charge, so they were total

Oooh, I can imagine wearing a gorgeous cashmere dress on cold, cuddly days. So awesome!

I thought we were agreeing with each other until you got all insulting there. I never called you shallow! What is even going on? It sounds like we probably do agree, but you maybe feel the need to attack me for some reason? I didn't say ANYTHING, EVER, about women who DO choose to wear make-up or nice clothes or

I never called you anti-feminist. What's with the quotation marks? I'm not sure where you got that—someone else's post, maybe? You even said yourself, the solution could equally be to accept men wearing makeup or accept everyone not wearing makeup. There's nothing wrong with altering your appearance to, whatever, look

It's a joint discussion when you're choosing which letters of your last name and which letters of his last name are going to be used in your COMBINED LAST NAME AW YEAHHHHHHH! (His are the first three, mine are the last three, woo!)

Dude, it's not all about you. This article is about women making make-up decisions based on the way their SO's perceive them. That's not you? THEN IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU.

We cut each other slack when we know each other better, but judge each other on superficial things initially, yeah? You're still putting un-made-up faces in the category of something that needs slack-cutting, something that's unacceptable, something that could be a deal-breaker. I just don't think that needs to be the

I've been running for around 9 months now and I'm finally thinking about starting to do some weight training. I just hate it, though! I have having to keep track of which weights to use and how much I put on each one and counting reps, ugh.

This is my solution: do not listen to, pay attention to, respond to, or clink links to whiny people who argue about this crap. Does that just leave it to others to debate? Sure. Maybe that's lazy of me. But I really actually don't care what people like that say or think. If I meet them irl? I avoid them in the future.

Wow, you and I know very different fans! Everyone I know (including me) is ecstatic that he dropped out, because we love him from Pacific Rim and we don't want him anywhere near this steaming pile of crap!

(Nick Miller voice) Hahahaha I'll braid your hair ya stupid idiots!

Heeey, an article about me! Woot!