*wolf whistle*
*wolf whistle*
It's... the way normal bodies are built. It's just normal. Depending on how your body stores its fat, you might have that space or not. It's not weird. It's normal.
Dude, it was so obvious in Goblet of Fire—they gave him wonky fake teeth and I saw right through it and said to myself, heh heh heh he's getting too hot for the part, they have to ugly him up!
Yeah, that was pretty much the conversation.
It was so weird how nervous I was! I mean, he had already proposed a few weeks earlier, and we knew we were getting married the day since the day after we met (I knew the day we met, he joined the party on day 2) but I was still nervous!
Pssh, whatever. Thanks, though! Yes, it sucked at the time, but I figured out pretty quickly that these weren't the types of ladies I wanted to hang out with on my off hours. And nothing they could have said or done would have detracted from my happiness over finding my honey. :)
So, so confused... who are these men you speak of, who steer clear of "strong" women? They must be men who are afraid? I don't know, because I'm friends with guys who treat women like human beings, and encourage them when they accomplish things, and I married a guy who admires my strength. I'm also friends with women…
I got my honey a pocket watch and counter-proposed next to a waterfall. :)
My engagement ring is from the 1920's! It's super-gorgeous, and was waaaaaaay less expensive than a new ring. Hmm.
I like you and your words. You should post this as its own post so I can like it again.
I think it's sort of like the wearing make-up thing, or dressing fancy, or being skinny. These are all fine things. People can do/be what they want, right? But there's this whole giant structure (mainly built by capitalist men and yet strongly enforced by women) around getting people to spend a crap-ton of money on…
I started cry-laughing at her inky soul climbing out of her mouth and crab-walking into a corner. Thanks a lot, Lindy, I'M SUPPOSED TO BE WORKING. PEOPLE CAN HEAR ME CRYING AND NOW THEY'RE WORRIED (jk no one cares about me here).
Sometimes they have that pawn shop show on while I'm at the gym. That's on History, right? I don't know. I flip around. But I like it!
Oh yes of course, simply being talked about signifies relevance. Yes yes. The content of what she wrote, and the critiques in response, do not matter in the slightest. Yes of course.
that gif is amazeballs
Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs...
Dude I would watch 5000 Die Hard + romantic comedy hybrids. ALL THE DIE HARD ROMANCES.
I'm always interested in how much of a difference such a change will actually make, so I went to the website and did the meal builder thingy (I entered 2 small cokes, and 2 small fries, because there didn't seem to be an option for bigger sizes; also, I assumed ranch dressing for the salad):
One mantra that was repeated over and over in the evangelical Christian culture I was raised in: "Men want respect, women want love." The respect is ONLY supposed to go one direction (of course, with hasty and utterly insincere caveats that respect for women is nice, too). I heard this over and over again. Women don't…
I'm honestly, genuinely scared for this woman.