
My older sister couldn't nurse her first because she was five weeks early and wasn't able to latch at all, and it totally crushed my sis. She felt so bad and unworthy as a mother. I felt really bad for her. She just had another baby, only three weeks early this time, and her new baby latched right on! She's so happy.

The baby makes a difference, too. The first two months post-partum with my second baby have been leaps and bounds better than the way they went with baby number one. My first had colic and solidly screamed for four-six hours every night. It was torture, torture, torture. She also would scream endlessly any time she

Eh, some people try to guilt their daughters into wearing their dress when they grow up—ahem, I mean, some people try to bless their daughters with the option of wearing their dress...


Who cares about law, it's about writers respecting each. She is shitty and disrespectful and now she's profiting off of it. Screw her.

Dude, I bet a caramel sundae your legs are strong enough to kick him off. Especially braced against a wall. Your butt and thigh muscles deserve respect and fear!

She has an older kid, so she's probably experienced. I finagled breastfeeding while chopping mushrooms and boiling ravioli a few days ago. You gotta do what you gotta do.

Nope. No. Nun-uh.

I used a nursing cover the whole time I breastfed my first baby, and now with my second I don't even bother. I got over the nervousness I felt. It's just not worth the hassle of monitoring a 3-yr-old and trying to make a baby accept a cover over her head that she doesn't want there. If people wanna complain they can

I've lived in Roseville, Uptown, right on Grand Ave, Midway, the east side of St Paul, and now we live in Cherokee Heights. I love-love-loved living in Uptown. Very bikeable, lakes RIGHT THERE, good restaurants, good music, art. I think it's a little more expensive than St Paul, but it depends on the neighborhood.

I wanna punch this world in the FACE.

Nah, dude, I'm 5 minutes from downtown. I bike to work next to the state capitol. There was a, ya know, housing crisis and whatnot, and a bunch of people were foreclosed on. We hit the right time to buy a house.

It's 50% more than we pay for our mortgage for our two-bedroom house. Ahhh, Minnesota.

I'm in kind of a similar situation—I grew up poor, my husband grew up rich. I grew up conservative, he grew up liberal. We're on the same page on all major issues, but it's really interesting to see the differences in the way we parent. He's very indulgent with our 3-year-old; I have to constantly remind him she's not

"We've all been taught we were special snowflakes who could do anything we want thanks to our over-indulgent parents, we went to liberal arts colleges to pursue unrealistic dreams, now we're jobless and moving back home with our parents, et cetera."

That banner is exactly what I never knew I needed.

Oh, a source, I see. I was distracted. Well played...


But—but—they're so nice to look at! I mean, I don't really do anything with their shoulders, either, but they're nice to look at, and hold, and bite, and... dammit Jezebel, I'M AT WORK.

Man, this movie creeped me the hell out when I saw it on tv as a kid. I don't remember any incest, just [spoilers] how the one kid died and then they killed their mom at the end. I might be remembering that wrong, though. I just remember being really bothered by it.