I am watching MasterChef RIGHT NOW. Joe whatshisface is definitely a fox, and dare I say, so is Graham Elliot. And Christine is AMAZING!
I am watching MasterChef RIGHT NOW. Joe whatshisface is definitely a fox, and dare I say, so is Graham Elliot. And Christine is AMAZING!
Yeah, all of the Paula Deen stuff at Target is on clearance sale. I think they dropped her line. I was tempted to buy some, but then I thought: do I want to give money to this woman?
I find this whole discussion really interesting. I know lots of men and women who definitely ascribe protectiveness to be both a fatherly and a motherly quality, but it always seems to be that "fathers protect their wives and children," while "mothers protect their children." I don't see a lot of the "mothers protect…
Gah! How do you survive? Go feed that body! Even a diet of all pizza would be better (and still delicious)!
Word. I saw it and thought: holy shit, it looks like me.
Ugh, I got made fun of SO MUCH because when we designed our save-the-dates for our wedding I flipped the 6 so it was backwards. What you say about the orientation seeming arbitrary makes SO much sense to me. It still seems arbitrary, in the sense that I can mix it up and not notice it because the difference doesn't…
oooh, blueberry compote...
What did YOU eat today? Informal survey woo!
I usually just say I don't wear makeup, and then I often get the response:
Dude, she could probably get someone to do the reupholstering for a few thousand bucks at the most. Come onnnnnn, rich people!
I don't get the gender-specificity in the title. It seems like you went the route of applying the advice to all people, and then you throw the word 'women' in #4 when it could still just as easily be anyone who finds fighting oppressive societal structure endearing.
That's how I feel about my own cleavage. Love it, can't stop staring.
He wasn't, the radio was just hidden under his leg. Very confusing for a three-year-old: "Why is your leg playin' music?" she asked, which is certainly one question I was NOT expecting to come out the first time she met someone with a prosthetic limb.
It's called Hidden Beach, but parks & rec took it over a few years ago so it's waaay more mainstream now. I knew it before it was cool.
This reminds me of a recent experience: I went with my bff and my two kiddos, ages 3 and 7mo, to a local beach which is a den of iniquity, pot-smoking, drum circles, and Mumford-and-Sons-are-too-mainstream banjo and mandolin players. Tattoos everywhere, fun haircuts, hula-hoopers and slackliners, you know. Hippies and…
I don't think we're whatever-this-is enough to understand. Classy? Rich? Entitled? Upper-class? I don't even know. I just know the edges of my nails still have purple nail polish left over from the wedding I was in this weekend and I'm hoping none of my co-workers notice, but I'm not bothered enough to actually do…
Where's that gif of Madeleine Kahn from Clue talking about flames coming our of her face? 'CAUSE THAT'S ME. FLAAAAMES.
Yeah, but there's a big, giant, Coen-brothers-sized difference between the odd gardener offing a gopher and this whole feet-siphoning-for-money plot.