
I don't know how to feel about this. My initial reaction is that we shouldn't have a problem with expecting a certain amount of skin coverage depending on the professionalism of the job, especially if it's working in the direction of not objectifying women. I don't like the idea of a woman being taken more or less

We have a war of yard signs in my neighborhood, green/blue versus orange, on this amendment. I don't know what's going to happen but I know I'm voting! Are you?

Yeah, there are volcanoes in Colorado and that's not a subduction zone. Soooo... that means the movie could totally happen RIGHT?

Phew! I watch a lot of sci-fi but I just don't really read it, and I've been nervous about this fact considering I'm attempting to write a sci-fi series. I don't know what ideas have been laughed out of the genre! But I guess JK Rowling did okay for herself, right?

I understand what you're trying to get at with this comment—it's very clear from research that overweight people get promoted less and experience discrimination because of their weight, but it sounds like you're saying that no overweight/obese person EVER gets prestigious, high-paying jobs. That's just not the case.

Part of her point was that she has never seen men behave meanly like women, and yet I'm pretty sure there are a fair number of men on this site saying mean things about her. This proves/disproves nothing, but does give good evidence that PEOPLE are capable of being mean, regardless of gender. Are you seriously arguing

Yeah, that was the kicker for me. It might be covered now under my insurance, I'm not sure, but 3 or so years ago it wasn't. I think it was $200-300 per shot back then, can't remember, but it was too much. I was a poor, married college student. All the idealism in the world couldn't change the fact that I don't have

No, there's a creeptastic element there that not all boys-next-door have. It's subtle. Hard to define.

I vote that this be the actual advice article, rather than the one above!

The arguments I've seen all come down to this: it's possible for long-term birth control like IUDs and hormonal birth control to potentially cause a fertilized egg to be expelled instead of implanting (or apparently increase the risk of miscarriage), which for them is exactly the same thing as causing an abortion.

BAHAHAHAHA you're probably right! Thank you for taking my mind off of the scene with the mom and her kids in bed, waiting to die, which has been making my cry all day because everyone keeps talking about friggin' Titanic.

That's like saying it's lying if I don't explain to her the mechanism of bacteria and sugar in the deterioration of her enamel. It's not lying, she's 2. It's giving her information she can handle.


Yeah, true love, blehhhhh. :) Just kidding. I know those are the stories people like to see—but why do less when they could do more with it?

See, I liked No Country for Old Men (in a sense that it was excellently made and compelling and I am never watching that movie again). I've never seen Fargo but I had my husband tell me the story while we were on a road trip in the middle of a blizzard and it was creepy. I really liked Raising Arizona and O, Brother

It's a mystery... I think I have found one skit funny in total: the one where it's a series of commercials about mayostard or whatever. Where he can't come to any family events because he's too busy spreading mustard and mayo on his sandwiches. That was funny.

I know, right?! If I used our entertainment preferences to vet significant others, I would not have my fabulous husband. My fabulous husband and his obsession with the Cohen brothers... sigh.

I think the best thing for Jezebel to do would be to actually find an Asian person and ask them to write an article about this. Maybe Laura Beck is Asian... but I doubt it and it doesn't sound like it. If she's concerned with voices of Asian people being heard, maybe she shouldn't be placing herself in the position of

I think this is a great point. I understand that this is a fictional story that is being told, but if they're trying to claim that race/gender/culture/class/etc. actually don't matter in the face of destiny or true love or whatever, I venture to guess the author/writers/directors aren't interested in exploring the

I was skeptical when I heard the idea, but she looks frickin' AMAZING in that promo shot.