
My husband keeps trying to get me to watch Mr. Show, and I just shake my head and back away slowly, giving him suspicious side-eyes and the like. He thinks it is SOOOOOO hilarious and I do not understand how I could have married him.

No, you're not alone! I, too, think she could be AMAZING in this!

Do you mean "this is what killed the Avengers" or did you just change topics from the X-Men movies to the Avengers?

Maybe she could bulk up for the role. I can understand being annoyed if she stays very slim and still plays the role. I don't think of her as frail, necessarily, but she certainly doesn't look like an athlete (as far as I've seen her in movies).

*le gasp!*

Yeah, I read portions of that book. Still creeps me out sometimes, just thinking about it.

Fanfiction can take some leaps (or just be lazy) in story and characterization because the fandom already knows these characters and (sometimes, depending on the degree of faithfulness to canon) their situations—but I think that there are actually often certain character archetypes which people recognize and like

I think the only reason 50 Shades IS remarkable is that it has sold an awful lot more books than anyone else in the genre. It has sold more than 40 million copies worldwide, which is a lot. Just the sheer numbers make it a more influential standard-setter than the sum of the rest of the diverse works in the genre.

For me, the difference between sizes is 15lb. I don't know if it's obvious that I am stating my opinion here, but in my opinion there's a huge difference between being a size 14 and a size 10/12. When I say 10/12 I mean it's hard to tell if she's more of a 10 or a 12, so she might be between sizes, which happens even

I've had good luck with my own saliva on blood stains. I get around 5 bloody noses a day, so it's impossible not to get drops of blood on my clothes occasionally.

Right. Which is... more than a 10/12. Depending on her height and musculature, 20-30lbs more.

Do you mean in real life? I've seen statistics that range from one in 4 women to one in two women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. I'm sure the ratio changes depending on where the person lives and the acceptability of reporting the assault. In any case, it's pretty damn common. Without fail, every woman

I do not watch this show. I should watch this show.

Seems like the guy posting the ad is a friend of the groom, and perhaps is happily married/attached and has no interest in having strange women send him nude pictures of themselves. Or he's single and not a perv. Makes sense to me.

I didn't see it as a dig at all, more as a bit of disbelief that the model is supposed to be plus-sized. I'd call her a size 10-12 depending on her height, which is nowhere near plus-sized.

It has always been a point of pride of mine to make my own costume rather than buy it—I don't get the point of buying something and wearing it once, especially if other people might be wearing the exact same thing. But not everyone has time for that, or wants to.

Yeah, I'll take the same position: no plans to see it, but I'll read reviews and keep an eye out for any sign that it's not a racist crapfest.

Thanks for posting this.

That would be such a great point to get to. That would be fabulous. Unfortunately Attractive White People are the go-to actors for any and all roles, regardless of race, because... um... something about money? Oh, right, institutionalized racism! At least we're pretty much on the same page about blackface, but