
Oh, man, you're so right! Totally pointless because everything is AWESOME just the way it is—white guys can play anyone they want and we should be happy they're bestowing us with their handsome faces, right? There's nothing that will benefit YOU about seeing a person of color act in a role of a person of color, since

He would have been a great choice. I really don't understand how the studio can justify casting Johnny Depp as a Native American—there are plenty of great Native American actors and they also could have gone out and found a new face if they put a little effort into it. Tonto's a pretty iconic character and he should

I so totally hope she starts out looking like a recruit and then ends up being a baddie, perhaps a double-agent for an enemy organization?


PROBABLY EVERYTHING. I don't even know, I'm not a math genius. It will probably result in a new sustainable energy source or cure cancer or help people... send secret messages? With a different word in every triangle and then you pass along codes for folding so different messages result from different folding

Does anyone else think this movie would have been waaaaaaaay cooler if they'd kept the USSR as the threat and just set it in a present-day universe where the Cold War never ended and the USSR never collapsed? No? Just me?

This was made before he really became a big name. It was stuck in development hell and now they think it will be ok with new villains, and now that Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson are more famous.

Didn't you see The Dark Knight Rises? Modern warfare means both sides line up and run at each other screaming, and then ignore their weapons in favor of fisticuffs! Oppa Revolutionary War Style!

Because Colorado is AWESOME! Actually because of NORAD, pretty much. We always cheer at that moment in Independence Day when the guy on the plane goes, "Sir! They've... taken out NORAD!" because that meant that we got destroyed! There are a zillion military bases in a very small area there (the Air Force Academy, Fort

Shhh, stop trying to science the dumb! They're busy sillying with their stupid and they will cry if you try to logic them!

Knock on wood, the second time will be way easier. At least now I know exactly what I can and can't wear to breastfeed in public. (I ruined a sweater dress once because I totally forgot that I either need to be able to pull the collar down or pull the bottom up, and I was not going to pull my entire dress up to feed

I don't get offended if people glance at what's going on, but staring gets to be kinda rude. I think it just depends on how well you know the person. I understand that it can be distracting, so if I'm with a friend and chatting I just talk about it. They can ask questions, whatever. It bothers me if someone glances

Since we met (4 years ago) my husband has pooped his pants 3 times and I've done it twice. He just keeps thinking it's a fart; it only happens to me when I'm pregnant. Ahhh, the stories we share with those we love... and with the internet.

Yeah, at least twice a day—and I know a healthy poo is one you don't have to strain to get out, but also one that isn't all liquidy either. Your poo can look like lots of different things depending on what you eat and also your stress and exercise level. Doing exercises that use your abdominal muscles and move your

Time travel hasn't been invented yet in 2044, so it's not illegal. The person who is killed and disposed of doesn't exist (at least at that age) so if they don't exist there's no reason to search for their body or prosecute their murder.

I thought that Rian Johnson was going for a different sort of time travel rule, where it's more like Back to the Future—not multiple universes diverging at every change, but rather changed events in the past affect the future in a "past-immediate" sort of way, what with the dissolving body parts on Old Seth as Young

Can you explain more? You could warn for spoilers and it would be buried in this thread. I just saw it and I don't see how the director's established rules were violated by the ending. Maybe I'm just suspending disbelief a little more?

Ok, I'll grant that they probably could have done a better job of integrating the TK thing and Cid and Sarah earlier in the film, but I guess once I realized that the farm wasn't a quick stopping point I just went along with it. I was worried it would slow the movie down, but I liked how things with Bruce Willis kept

GUYS GUYS GUYS we just saw Looper (me and the husband). I have finally stopped crying (I'm pregnant, don't judge, everything makes me cry). THIS MOVIE. THIS MOVIE IS SO GOOD. I am so thrilled to have seen an action sci-fi movie that is actually ABOUT something. It actually has a lot to say. It's not hard to follow,

Yeah, I think the "model type" tends to actually have a different bone structure than non-model types. I have a big ribcage and wide hips and those are my bones, regardless of what cushioning covers them.