A.C. Webster

Just for clarification’s sake, I believe the 15 count on Fall Mountain is a new player cap, not an increase. Last night I got FM with 19 players remaining (it was a crapshoot).

If you are cursed with a bad team (see Baltimore, Detroit, Kansas City, Toronto, San Francisco, the Mets, the White Sox or Miami), go follow a good one, or a bunch at different times.

Really appreciated the unnecessary shout-out to everyone’s favorite blue-haired barnacle...

These things aren’t mutually exclusive. You can have high expectations and get excited based on the property and developer AND also be generally underwhelmed by that first taste of gameplay. It’s baked into the high expectations.

Just a heads up: the promo code is SLIDES50, not SLIDE50

Just a heads up: the promo code is SLIDES50, not SLIDE50

I don’t have anything to add except the name “Joe Lacob” is infuriating in its adjacency to the name Jacob without actually being Jacob.

As someone who loves this show and has rewatched it multiple times already: this list wasn’t necessary at all.

Drew, I’m sorry you tried something new and it didn’t sound like the same three Corbin Hayes riffs over and over.

1. Download Into the Breach

While I agree that kowtowing to online toxicity is almost never a good thing, throwing out the developer’s work to spite shitty fans wouldn’t be great either. Insomniac did the best they could considering the circumstances, and hopefully this makes some people reconsider their perspective on what is and what isn’t