
I’m so glad someone else is asking this important question. Girl is in “fashion”, and her outfit looks like her mom doesn’t like her very much, and asked her to wear it for school photos. 

What in the Laura Ashley in Ivanka wearing?

If I was May, I’d stand up in front of Parliament, tell them all that it’s perfectly obvious that they’re all keeping her in place as leader simply to give them someone to blame for the whole Brexit disaster, and ask each and every individual MP if they think they could do a better job. If any of them say yes, she


In 30 years I expect to be navigating a global ocean while looking for dirt and drinking my own pee.  That’s if I haven’t already been eaten by mega-sharks plying the new seas.

Framing motherhood as voluntary is fairly problematic for a lot of reasons, not least of which is the tricky economic/policy situation that sub-replacement birth rates result in, and framing the prioritization of family over career in service of motherhood comes perilously close to equivalency with the former. I think

You are talking only about the unadjusted wage gap, as opposed to the adjusted pay gap, which does take into account all of the things you mentioned and better compares contemporaries. Of course, these things have been studied and talked about, and of course, the adjusted wage gap is smaller. But the gap still exists,

Well then I’m in the wrong career field.

Economist here - it hasn’t been debunked.

People who couldn’t explain archeology if humanity depended on it demand capitalist circus most go on, origins of mankind be damned.

So frustrating that the two opposing viewpoints here seem to be “how do we best preserve and protect this important archaeological site, as to which much is still unknown” vs. “how do we best monetize the big rocks that tourists love to stare at?”  And the second one wins because the people who hold that viewpoint are

Until it gets better, forever.


The Riker Maneuver.

I gotta say...I think it helps.

...and Australia and Canada are now having a friendly beef.

If they reshoot this with any actor, and the time hasn’t come to do this yet, it should be Levar Burton.

To be fair, Obama didn’t need an extra buffer zone so he wouldn’t see the protesters.

This motherfucker is an embarrassment to humans:

Yeah, I’d be more worried if the investigation wasn’t in search of crime.  I don’t think I’d be too worked-up if I was being investigated for performing a good deed.