
Whether or not you agree with their religion, it’s extremely disrespectful to trivialize this woman’s complaint. She is clearly experiencing harassment from this man, and making it seem like a big joke because she self-identifies as a “witch” is religious discrimination. From your use of quotations around the phrase

I know this seems harmless or too petty to get upset about to many people, but come on, think this through, you know? It’s HARD ENOUGH for women to overcome social programming that says complaining about harassment is being a whiny little bitch and you should prove you’re a tough chick by taking it and appearing not

It’s funny because they have non-mainstream religious beliefs.

Yea... We COULD rise above poking fun at other’s religions, but I guess after fighting for equality for LBGTQ, women, and POC’s, we just don’t have the extra energy to rise a LITTLE bit more.

I guess this keeps with Jez attitude but harassment and intimidation (and volatile ex drama) is funny when non-normies are involved. I feel bad for this lady - this guy seems like a douche - and the article seems to be at her expense.

Online abuse is sooo hysterical. Especially older women being trolled and bullied by men. Funny as Hel! And you do such a great job ridiculing this court case entirely due to the religions of the participants. Great stuff! Though you will have to explain why ‘pagan church’ is in quotes, like it’s not a real legal