much smaller
much smaller
No, I don’t care about them at all. I already told you that junior.
more than a thousand
Used to have a huge circulation esp with airliners.
In other words, she’s doing much MUCH better than Beoncey.
Let’s get a few things straight you bleeding heart crybaby.
Got laid a thousand times
yeah lol very funny great comment you get it
Men’s bodies are utilitarian whereas women’s bodies are delicate and aesthetically pleasing.
Never gonna happen and shouldn’t ever happen girls don’t play video games.
Beoncey wasn’t even in TLC and people still think she rules just because she bagged Ja-Z.
Not men like me. I stay woke and hustle the hustler. That’s why I know ladies get so hustled. Plus, Hustler magazine. point in case.
I can see why you ask but I am not saying that.
Lady Gaga had more hits than Beoncey and where is she now.
Well, I’m not one for stereotypes but the whole not good at negotiating one is actually spot on just like Asian drivers.
Interesting link. Just read the whole story. Not really big on facts or anything but it did make me think.
yeah funny stuff