
I looked it up. Canada doesn’t want my family because while I have a PhD my husband didn’t finish college and we are poor. Alas. We’re really nice, Canada. I promise. And I’m a teacher. Doesn’t everyone need more teachers?

I love Zoloft’s effects on my mood, but it causes me to have really violent and disturbing dreams, so I had to go off it.

Simvastatin is Zocor. Sertraline is Zoloft. Which one did you mean?

Who the fuck cares whether he actually touched her or just got REAL CLOSE? Either way it’s super goddamn inappropriate. Let’s not nitpick here.

Sophisticated patterns? Come on. That blue and white number is literally a piece of fabric folded over with a circle cut for the head.

Seriously. I just want some nice, professional shit to wear to work.

Target has a plus section????

Sam and Gilly! Because they are the most precious ever.

That is some tasty looking bread right there.

These are people who didn’t understand germ theory, thought black people were less intelligent than whites, and thought leeches cured disease. I don’t know why we hold onto their ~words of wisdom~ as some gospel that can never be changed.

They might, actually, if enough people went to your boss and told them what a racist douchebag you are. Haven’t you heard about the people who say stupid racist shit on facebook and get fired when their boss receives screencaps?

This was a pilot study.

well, if they’re born vaginally, they’re getting a hefty dose of it in every crease and crevice. Nothing gross or weird about that.


The white women, eventually. The WoC? Nope.

Not Vee, since I’m not interested in bringing back the dead or whatever, but a “villian” with similar motivations and a similar ability to cause interpersonal conflict. The strife she caused between Taystee, Poussey, and Suzanne was heartbreaking and I loved Vee vs Red.

When was that revealed? I don’t remember it.

I STILL want to know what Poussey is in for. I propose a ban on all new characters until she gets more time.

I hear it all the time. Put your wheelie carry on (or the equivalent) up there and wait until everyone else has a chance to put their similarly sized bag up there, THEN if there’s room left over you can put a coat/purse up there in addition to your other bag. Don’t cram more than your share of shit up there and leave

I was just thinking the same thing about these names.