
LITerally rejuvenated. (I love how he says LITerally, ahah.)

when you live in a place with high humidity, air drying clothes indoors is begging for mildew problems, just sayin.

we had a deaf cat when I was a kid (blue eyes, white fur). He had long beautiful fur that shed constantly so we'd vacuum him! He was deaf, so he didn't care. he'd just lie there and purr.

The Episcopalians are way ahead of you, yo.

and nothing of value was lost.

you have the worry and the stress because there are legit things wrong with your kids and you want to help them. these wackos don't have any worries because they know there is nothing wrong with their kids, all they get is what they percieve as "attention". and they just eat it up.

wow, when I was a teacher we had to discourage parents from following their kids around the building. bring them to the office, sign them in and then LET THEM WALK BY THEMSELVES to their classroom. it will be ok. really.

so because some people believe that guns should not be outlawed, no one should have the right to bring their baby home from the hospital without being shot in the head? you know, the right to be ALIVE?

nope this guy is hotter than MG!

I would basically watch a show solely about Taystee and Poussey and Suzanne with Red and Nicky showing up now and then.

you do realize in the case in the article, that the deceased woman had actually started to decompose and the placenta was degrading and there was no way that baby was going to be born alive? and they were still going to force this birth. disgusting.

When I was an elementary teacher, I had one student with an epi-pen and there was one kept in the classroom, one in a special 'kit' that teachers handed off when he went to other classes, and one in the nurses's office.

they are? funny, I don't remember the scene with Joffrey shooting the prostitute full of arrows being in the books.

yeah if i worked an 8 hour shift only to have to give up a big chunk of my money to pay for someone's food I'd be fucking pissed.

n u m e r o u s t i m e s

I am so sick of seeing dudes' underwear. it's UNDERWEAR. and I really don't want to see their ass crack. It's not "distracting", it's gross.

yes because Africa is a small homogenous culture instead of an enormous continent with many countries and thousands of cultures with different religions, customs, environments, demographics, and economic situations


hey, gardenias are notoriously difficult plants to grow!

He's said before that he doesn't plan to allow anyone to finish the series if he dies before he finishes it.