Because it is fun to watch people trying to put together theories based on very little evidence to prove something practically impossible.
They're basically Police Procedurals with no corpses.
Because it is fun to watch people trying to put together theories based on very little evidence to prove something practically impossible.
They're basically Police Procedurals with no corpses.
Think Cold War Berlin, Gotham City's No-Mans Land or even maybe China Mielvilles The City and The City. The US government will have to contain this because an outbreak will cause mass extinction, other governments would kill for access to Zombies, think about getting better faster super-soldiers for the Chinese army,…
Andrea Savage has a new show out which might have locked up her ability to commit to the show full time, which is a shame but understandable.
Also having Vivian Stoll be the introduction to the company meant we saw the more family-orientated side of the organisation first, then when Chase showed up you're lead to…
My hope, because Major suffering is honestly beautiful to watch even as it is heartbreaking, is that the cure only works once and that afterwards you're stuck.
So Major and Blaine will be the only two zombies left on the planet after Ravi mass-produces a cure later on.
And it will be heartbreaking.
Supergirl did do that this year, kind of, they had The Luthors for the first 15 episodes(with about half the episodes being mostly stand-alone) and the Daxamite invasion for the last seven.
Agents of SHIELD have been doing almost no stand-alone episodes in their arcs which makes for stronger storylines but also gives…
They've had order extensions the last two seasons, they might have just assumed they'd get another one this time and didn't.
Was it the final fate of Joe Miller because that was kind of lame to me?
Major doesn't want Chase knowing he knows Blaine because Blaine was the guy who infected the original FG CEO and blackmailed him for brains setting the entire up for disaster and effectively turning everyone into a Zombie.
Chase's sister mentioned earlier in the season that she wanted to find the guy who did that and…
That show "The News" had a pretty unlikeable lead character last year, it was some actress who'd been on the show back in the 90s, again in 2008 and guest starring/recurring from 2009 through to 2013 then last November they killed her character off or something,.
Afterwards they held like massive auditions around the…
That's only because the original author was some guy on 4chan and no-one believes me when he says that he wrote it.
They picked a fight with the courts, Hogan got a cease and desist motion for them to take the video down which they ignored, had they done it his case would have been weak and the fine/fee would have been minor.
Instead they broke the law and gambled that they'd skate over any problems.
Picking a fight with Hogan wasn't…
I'd say likely he left the ship where it was(if he was responsible at all which is about 70% likely) then he did it at the very edge of how far it could go and not a millimetre further, the day counter when Bill arrived was at 365,034 which is 1000 years which given that it took The Master only a year to turn the…
Anthony Lemke is apparently fluent in French and I just know that they wrote that entire hilarious sequence so they'd have an excuse to finally let him use it.
Viral Marketing has gone off in a weird direction at the CW.
Just two years ago Berlanti was talking about blowing up the CERN LHC to hype up introducing Doctor Light and earlier this year they set all those gorillas free from their cages in the gorilla pens at the London Zoo to promote the attack by Zod in Supergirl.
Well Time Lords did invent Black Holes(specifically Rassillon did when he and Omega worked out how to bend time and space to power the first Tardis, which had the unintended effect of trapping Omega in the Antimatter universe(RIP Omega, come back again sometime)).
The Cybermen work best when they're desperate, because the horror of them just trying to survive is terrifying. When they're numerous and invading/attacking planets or whatever they aren't as scary because their motivations aren't as compelling or understandable, their urge to stay alive however is.
There is also Alice Obiefune from the current run of comics. She's a lot of fun and got along surprisingly well with Abslom Daak(who I swear to god needs to show up one day in the show proper, he's been hinted at in Time Heist but I need to see him just ham it up killing Daleks across the stars).
That four hundred mile ship?
Based on the erection he developed during drafting, originally the whole episode was set on a lifeboat off the coast of Mondas-Ireland in Mondas-Medieval times and he just kept making it bigger until it was big enough to add the time-dilation effects.
Wait your girlfriend like Zathras?
What about Zathras did she like him better than Zathras because while Zathras was fun I preferred the more serious side of Zathras to Zathras' overeager comedy routine which for me got a little bit tiring after a while. Still Zathras was a fun character in small doses.
I figure that they knew they couldn't keep Simm a secret so why even try, just let everyone know ahead of time instead of trying to build it up as some big secret.