I did not know that. Lovely.
I did not know that. Lovely.
They give you small doses of the show so you can build up an immunity to the show if it ever gets bigger.
A small part of me kind of hopes that he's wiped her memory before this.
Think about it, he made her his student off of nothing but her smile, what if they had an adventure before this, he wiped her mind but liked her enough to keep her on as a kind of student protégé and now he won't wipe her mind again because he's…
They're at the University of Bristol(St Lukes University Bristol to be precise from 8:11 in the episode).
Aliens never invade Bristol, none of them are hard enough.
Legend has it that both shows were filming one day and the sound guys from one show noticed some weird noises in the background and when they went to see if someone was using some kind of quarry equipment they found the other show working at the other end of the quarry.
From what I've read on those dark corners they don't mind Bill, mainly, I think, because she's a character first, flawed human being second and an LGBT representative waaaaaaaaay third. They aren't hiding her sexuality but they aren't flaunting it either.
Think back to the first episode with Rose and Amy, they had…
Maggie Thatcher did everything she could to get rid of those jobs to ensure a smoother production for the Doctor Who crew.
Truly the greatest PM ever, they even did an episode about her and how happy she made everyone in England!
And thus an ill-advised cross-over with Riverdale was established and made canon.
Jughead versus a Dalek? Interesting.
Missy in a bitch-off with Cheryl Blossom? I'd pay to watch that.
Yes… but what if the next Doctor is a woman? Then she can fall in love with her!
Everything is being set in motion…
At least they didn't have to get into on-set fist fights with those snobs from Blakes 7 about who gets to use the quarry when.
Any mention of a Penguin in Doctor Who automatically leads me to believe that Frobisher is about to come back as the greatest companion ever!
Grant and family are currently in the Twelfth Doctors comic book as temporary companions(they have a story arc and will probably go back to New York at the end of it and the book will establish either Bill as the new companion or will create a new companion again from scratch, most likely the former because they…
Mitt Romney and his Wife's characters were great, especially when they kept mixing up their sons names and her obsession with meeting Beyonce.
We all said the same thing about Rob Thomas and now he's dead.
Anne sleeping leaning against the wall in the background with her eyes wide open while Dwayne talked about finding Margaret's phone was a nearly perfect visual joke.
He really was, Baldwin is just mean in the role because he hates Trump and wants to make him look as stupid as possible, Hammond played a character and did it well because it wasn't so one-note.
"Gentlemen… the cause of the rapid onset blindness plague of 2017-2018 has been traced back to this one video. The only people permitted to watch it more than once are all quadruple amputees and many of them have requested to be put to death after viewing it a second time due to their internalised frustrations. Watch…
There is something about that name that just screams entitled bitch.
On the show "The Inside" they had this little girl called Madison St Claire who killed another little girl and ever
Season 2 of Riverdale… Jason sends out thirteen gramophone records to the people in his class to explain why he killed himself(even though he was murdered before he had a chance to kill himself). Jughead then has to fight his ghost(guest starring Sabrina the Teenaged witch to help him summon a spirit) in the…