
Just do what I did, I got a broom and put Googly eyes on it.
Now we're best friends forever!

I've loved her work since she was amazing as Adorabelle in Going Postal.

That mess was a poor remake of the vastly superior British series Geology Officers.

I felt the same way about Terriers, I've had the final episode in my queue since literally the day it aired and I haven't watched it.
Such a nearly perfect show.

Do these tweens have attitude?

Probably since a week after he died.

I liked it. Always kind of neat to see what creative types do and create in their down time. Also its kind of a Canadian version of Breaking Bad.

No show will ever be Justified again. Not even a sci-fi western which is as close as you can get to Kentucky lawmen and criminals right now.

She might also be questioning if its real or not given her condition.

I think in the episode last season when they caught the bus to the beach(only two hours away!) they said that all of them would go to the beach since they were in high school. So they've known each other for a pretty long time.
I'm pretty sure that Josh was also dating Valencia since before he met Rebecca(they took a

I'd love that. If he was grabbed at random on the way to take a piss ad the bomber put him and himself into the safe-room and then dumped him into the rubble to escape later during the clean up.
Pure elegance in its simplicity.

The End credits suck.
Because it means that I have to wait six hundred and one thousand two hundred seconds until the next episode will air.
Although the tune is catchy as hell.

I think that Frank took out his badge and gun because approaching some random car without ID and on a whim without proof he'd have to at the very least some excuse for talking to the guy.

I know right? Like anyone here could ever have a girlfriend to start with.

Disney parks have all had a few dozen deaths in them.
You get enough people going through a place enough times and you'll get someone dying no matter how much you try to make it safe. I guarantee a few people have had heart attacks in Westworld or falling off a horse or something.
Also if you look up deaths in Disney

I'd say that the native religion based around the park might be some kind of leftover from the original designer. I feel like Ford is finishing off their original plan, whatever it was/is, and that everything he's engineered is part of it.

A single panel?
With Speech-bubbles?
Together, like a speech-bubble and other speech-bubbles all crammed together on one panel?
And that would work?

George Lucas was doing that back in the Phantom Menace, it's a weird way of doing things but it does guarantee the best takes so I guess it works.

I think the most was three in one episode(not including reprises). Can't remember which episode off my head.
Glee started off with two-three an episode before going stupid overboard with five-six. Two-three is as good a balance as you can get with the length of time available. Six minutes of songs and thirty-five

I think there is a minimum number of episodes you need to release within a year to qualify for some awards like the Emmy's(Drama not Mini-Series).