
Good point. I was being a bit sarcastic, if she'd been given an actual case I have no doubt it would have been better than just having her be stupid angry at her ex and then make mistake after mistake over and over again.

C'mon they got the cream of the crop to write for the show, the poor lady who had to adapt the Twilight novels into something almost worth watching at the cinema.

I didn't see those ninjas names in the credits at all.

After the election is over.
Mostly because people on either side will be too busy killing themselves or moving to Canada.

I know, he let a woman direct his movie about the Olympics and look what happened next!

Impossible, because once you're past the halfway point in watching it you're basically going to sit through to the end on a binge watching service.
It's what all these streaming-exclusive shows rely on to work, A strong first episode, a good three-four episodes, a weak episode, a good enough episode with usually a

Wasn't the military service basically because airlines didn't want to pay to train pilots and former military guys were all trained on the government dime?
Cheap-ass airlines.

What are you talking about?
Hogarth had her endlessly tedious lesbian marriage break-up that was always miserable to watch as they just hated each other in new and interesting ways.

More like seven hours of Kilgrave, one hour of his shitty parents, three hours of him escaping four times and two hours of telling us how bad the guy who wanted to kill Kilgrave at the start is when in the end that was what they ended up choosing to do anyway.

I read an article once about Days of Our Lives(it might have been Bold and the Beautiful) where the lead writer said that every episode, no matter what, has a standalone storyline somewhere in it that has a start, middle and end even with all the other serialised stories going on around it.
So that in every episode you

Biggest problem I had with the follow up comic "The Pulse" was that the downfall of Green Goblin Norman Osborn was done in a non-Spider-man book.
Aside from that I like both of them a lot and the standalone cases were good.

Less repetition? In a show adapted from a Bendis comic?
Is that what he seriously wants?

Less repetition? In a show adapted from a Bendis comic?
You. Yes you.
You want less repetition in such a show?
A show based on a comic by Bendis?
With less repetition?
This is something that you want?
Less repetition?

They must also be called Frank and Frank must have a Frank-gun that shoots Franks for maximum gunishment.

Unlikely unless they can get a great villain because the protagonists in season one were all dreadful. David Tennant saved the entire show with his performance.

Life on Mars was fantastic with only Sixteen Episodes over two seasons, Faulty Towers did it in 12 episodes. A good story shouldn't need padding.

If they used African-Americans then they'd only get 3/5ths of an episode done BUT it would be free.

Disgusting, burning a woman to well-done is awful.
You need to get them AT MOST medium-rare so that you still have some blood in there.
Ugh, I may as well go vegan if we're going to be following your rules.

If a showrunner is smart they dump all the shitty storylines and exposition on one character who they remove from the main cast and then let the rest of them succeed.

Kubrick was notorious for doing hundreds of takes, so is David Fincher, solely so that when they go to edit it they have literally every possible variation of a shot imaginable.
Editing is super important.