
I’m gonna get up on my soapbox and I don’t care. My father is a retired Colonel in the Marine Corp who was a platoon leader in Vietnam in 1968 at 21 who lost 50 of the 100 men whose lives he was in charge of. He was head of security of the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, four days after my mom walked out on him. He

Plus the points system is a joke.

I mean, anything's better than staying in Russia right?

Ron: “Why are you doing this?”

In response to #5

Gay/Straight Alliance is my first thought.

Guggenheim: Security yelled at me for getting too close to a Cezanne. I was trying to read the information placard. I have eagle eyesight with my contacts in and if I couldn’t read the tiny print without getting a foot away, neither could anyone else.

OTOH, he seems to be doing exceptionally well as an adult with microcephaly.

the only difference between eating a beet and eating a fistful of mud is that beets can stain your tongue.

In the early 2000s my friend rented a very large house that had been built and decorated by rich people in the mid-1980s and really, really looked it. The house was huge and had been on the market for years and no one would buy it because it was so hideous. He would bring people on tours of the house and in each room

  • Donald Trump: I actually built the GT and made Ford pay for it. My friends will all get one. But not the Muslims.

oh my god fucking enough. Take it to Gawker, or reddit, or anywhere that gives a fuck about politics. This is Jalopnik.

You’re not clever, you’re not cute, you’re not poignant, you’re just another annoying mouthbreather who doesn’t actually have anything to contribute to the discussion. Nobody here gives a fuck who

I agitated my wife considerably while we were watching this.

Absolutely the original.

MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE is a GODDAMN national treasure and you should feel all the shames for placing it so low on the list!

Now playing

They put layers and layers of concealer/foundation/whatever on their faces. It’s ridiculous.

Lets everybody calm down. If anything, pointing out where ST draws influence might (I hope) point some of the younger viewers towards seeking out these films. Owing a debt to genre films isn’t a crutch unless it’s done poorly, which certainly isn’t the case here.

They should start the next movie having just finished off Gozer. Just . . . guns smoking and a half destroyed rooftop, exchange a few lines, maybe the receptionist guy climbs out of a crumbling dog statue, roll opening title sequence.

When we were house hunting, my husband and I looked at a house that had a hot tub in the kitchen. In. The. Kitchen. The rest of the house was great, and the location was perfect, but that inconceivable hot tub was a deal breaker. On our way out, the realtor stopped us to ask if we wouldn’t mind telling her why we