
The physical button is good for quickly toggling the view between nav and the radio - which is what the button on the other side of the control knob does

Mass. Staties seem to ticket for it for sport cause they’ll then tweet pictures of cars and Internet shame them.

I started your comment for your username.

They make a vibrator that hooks up too ones phone/iPod/etc and vibrates in time with the music. FYI.

Thanks for the info. I was born in ‘86 so this wouldn’t have been on my radar in the 90’s.

Um... Huge freaking [citation needed]. Not saying you're lying but that sounds like some PETA bullshit.

Love simple. The best feature for me is the ‘goals’ feature - I use it to manage my monthly budget.

Iceland, I think. Something to do with preserving the language.

I plan to give any future kiddo whichever of our last names sounds best with the first and middle name we pick.

I’m slightly disappointed it’s not a unicorn.

We went and saw a live broadcast of War Horse just for those puppets they are AMAZING. Watching the show you forget they’re not real horses the movements are that good.

Um. That sounds fucking delicious.

All ponies are assholes


God bless America.

It's ZERO. There's no legal guarantee of any leave and many employees provide none.

I'll be keeping my name when I eventually get married and I'm thinking that if we have a kid the kid will get whichever of our last names sounds best with the first & middle name we pick.

Art school is like 90% weird nudity

Weird shit happens at art school.

These are probably terrible but I love spam so I’d try them.