Felix Ng
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I will say this about the Tarkin CGI. Bringing people back from the dead so to speak does have some heavy moral implications. But this one isn’t bad. Peter Cushings constantly said he wish he could have done more Star Wars films, he loved it. Also his secretary who has his estate since he had no children approved it

I mean, it is literally the good kind of colonizer coming to the lands and to be revealed as the blue eyed white kid to lead them all to salvation.

AVC is notoriously down on anything fun.

Hey, snark all you want but I stand by this. Pierce was the foil/antagonist who drove most of the best stories and the show didn’t feel remotely the same after Chase left. 

And now John Wick is going to give us 15 years of “Middle-aged star beats up Eurotrash stuntmen in Bucharest”

I don’t understand how the plot twist is also plot twist in the movie.

Rise of Skywalker is a failure on every level. Hurry, we must locate the MacGuffin which can lead us to the next MacGuffin which will help us the identify the location of a third MacGuffin which will finally tell us where to find the Evil Emperor from three movies ago who is back now for some reason! And also he

the sequel trilogy was a poor story told well

I’ve heard nothing but good stories about Donner. I just hope that all the good things he’s done for other people to help them along over there years like this instilled in them the same kindness. The world can use a bit more of that and Hollywood especially.

Thoroughly enjoyed the episode. Some of Marvels best easter eggs in this one.

Old Loki, why must you hurt me so?! That man really created an illusion of his home one last time and went out laughing. I already miss him. (Also makes me wonder if there is a Loki out there on an isolated planet who never came back to Asgard.)

I worked at a movie theater when this came out. For the past two years, we’d suffered through every “Bennifer” era movie (Daredevil, Enough, Maid in Manhattan, Sum of All Fears, you name it). Opening weekend, the only people in those seats were my fellow ushers and myself. We knew the movie was a huge turkey and we

Sure, but I’ll miss the black leather jumpsuit.

Plus Joanna in that scene just plain skipping past all the bullshit.

I’m decidedly of the opinion that the first Hunger Games movie is easily the best of the series.  Yeah, the camerawork is less pretty, but it has the cleanest plot structure and the series hadn’t run out of ideas yet.  Catching Fire’s “tournament of champions” concept mostly just felt like an excuse to do all the

For all that Lawrence is great as Katniss, these movies gathered an absolutely stellar cast, as noted in the article. My personal favorites probably being Lenny Kravitz as Cinna and Woody Harrelson as Haymitch. The latter brings just the right kind of world-weary realism, while the former is so quietly, remarkably

I thought it was weird that this came just a year after The Old Guard but its EVEN WEIRDER that this one ALSO has Chiwetel as an antagonist.

Websites aren’t about delivering you information these days. They’re about moving your around as much as possible to expose you to as much advertising, and generate as much saleable data, as possible.

Mindy ‘s genuinely well-motivated, successful and acted-upon charity idea was so revolutionary that it made up for her personality.

It continues to astound me how amazing Tatiana Masleny is. She played the core members of the clone club so perfectly through three seasons and although done well the added clones thus far have seemed like a gag the show always keeps in its back pocket. But the scenes with MK have blown me away. Maybe becuase of the