This. Disney would be crowing about it by now if Mulan made $200 million through streaming. I smell a huge bomb here.
Melissa Benoist IS Kara. Perfect casting on par with Reeves As Superman.
The sharp drop in quality is mind boggling.
Forrest Gump. AKA The “Wow, this movie really hates Jenny”.
And Jurassic Park III?
He’s also great as UNCLE DOUVEE in Hard Target.
Have to disagree. The fight scenes in The Raid 2 are more elaborate and ambitious.
Any fans of the Sarah Connor Chronicles here?
I wish this got a theatrical release.
Also Arnold and that deer!
Did he at least get paid for Dark Fate?
They sure are. One of the best series out there.
This actually got a theatrical release here in Singapore.
That reasonable. Good for her.
The Most Dangerous Game?
Did you love What’s Up, Doc?
That’s Kacey Rohl. Not Kacey Royce.
I have most of them!