Felix Ng

The Walking Dead? That’s ancient history.

I liked Valerian and Subway as well.

I’d love to see Cloak and Dagger on the big screen.

Also A History of Violence.

I just love Hathaway’s Selina though.

Don’t forget Peter’s Irish girlfriend. She gets trapped in an alternate dimension and is never mentioned again.

I still miss The Dissolve.

You forgot Jacqueline Carey’s Kushiel series.

Arrow has become such a chore to watch. Not even the (mostly) good fight scenes can redeem it for me. 

I heard BEEEEL is the worst.

Best not to think about it.

Same here.

I had such a crush on Sorcha when i was a kid. Redheads you know.

A waste of Scott Adkins though.

Amber Heard. Would hug.

Hard to believe they cast Sam’s roommate from Revenge of the Fallen as a Ninja Master here.

Thor and Rocket are surprisingly good together. Strange and Tony are another interesting match. They are/were arrogant asses.

It’s my favorite MCU film.

Havana Nights is so awesome.

Anyone seen ROAR?