“Black Dwarves in LotR is just absurd”
“Black Dwarves in LotR is just absurd”
He’s been pushing a lot of center-right soft-libertarian, vaguely evangelical Christian bullshit in a bunch of threads so I think we can safely say he’s probably a cunt.
Gender neutral bathrooms on transport... wait until they fly on an airplane.
My favorite qoute about being “woke” came from Howard Stern of all people, and I’ll all for it:
Studying and theory-crafting the assholes meta, in order to have maximized APS (assholes per second.)
I can’t wait to get 10 copies of Jim Carrey’s Liar Liar
This isn’t surprising if you know their recent history. while everyone likes to say that Japan is a sophisticated country with smart decisions for many things (their healthcare is pretty damn impressive) a lot of Japan’s systems are completely broken and so far very little has been done to fix them (teenage suicide is…
Heh, if you know anything at all about Japanese culture, you would never utter the words “get with the times” in relation to any company there. Japanese companies in general do things their own way, and don’t give a crap about what anyone else thinks about it.
What do you expect from a corporate culture that’s so…
Well, Google seemed to think that Stadia’s success was destiny. But now Stadia faces its doom.
I wouldn’t call it “two specific systems making up less than half the purchases of the game.”
I think Kotaku (the site) has been pretty measured in the post-launch coverage; the people in the comments are much less forgiving (and are rightfully upset with the state of the game at launch).
lol. Again, fair. Although I would posit that commenting on an internet article while you’re bored at work is not necessarily indicative of any major investment in a debate.
I’m here on this website because I got sucked into this “family” of websites via the (old) Deadspin. I like it here! But I’m a very casual gamer at best. I’m not trying to escape the term “gamer” because I think it’s an insult, I’m just a very casual gamer at best.
“What I meant to express was that I just don’t have much investment in this specific debate, or really any other video game debate...”
Your two comments deep into this one already. You’re learning a lot about yourself today!
This is a niche site?
In fairness, you’re on a gaming news website commenting about gaming current events. You’re already way, *way* more invested in this industry than the vast majority of people who consume videogames even regularly.
I play video games but do not consider myself a “gamer.” I do not care one way or the other about this game. But it’s bonkers to me that there is even this much room for debate about whether any product that is actively being sold to people “works” or not.
Good point on the fast food burgers; it’s gotten to the point where if I’m not picky about the quality of the ground beef I’m using (frozen chubs from Walmart are best not thought about but I won’t deny there’s one in my freezer right now), I can sometimes beat the price at home.
(now, Wendy’s 4-for-$4 on the other…