
“I’ll be the victim!”

For this mess (and all the others)? That should really be shortened to "Better to err." 

“...because everybody knows, Janice in Accounting DON'T GIVE A FUCK."

From what I’ve seen, if you have a lucky egg on during a legendary raid (or any raid, for that matter), you WILL see the extra XP. So, instead of 10,000 experience at the end of the raid, you’ll see 20,000 with the lucky egg on. Sometimes you don’t see the extra stardust from doing your field research encounter after

But murders go unsolved, especially those committed against the homeless, drug addicts and prostitutes. Not to mention the number of missing persons who have been murdered but not discovered - they’re not reported as homicides without a body, even if they’re assumed dead. Serial killers - where white men take more of

Even with it’s recent decline, no one can say the game is a Flop.

“What do you mean Magikarp ran?! HE DOESN’T EVEN HAVE FEET!”