Action Costanza

So good.

This grade is absolute bullshit. This was EASILY Common's best album since "Be". Can AV Club actually hire somebody who knows/cares about hip-hop to do the reviews…ya know, when they actually do review one anyhow?

Blu album was pretty good, I was just spit-balling there. Can't stand Sage though, respect the dude but just not my cup of tea.

YG is a friggin joke. Of all the hip-hop albums that came out this year, that's one of the choices? How bout:

So this is what it feels like…when doves cry!

Also, for what it's worth, Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning is my favorite entry in the series. It's so sleazy and mean-spirited and Jason's not even in it!

Part 2 was, and always will be, the high water-mark of this series. The highway accident sequence was beautifully done, and the kid getting crushed by a giant sheet of glass after chasing after pigeons was glorious.

Say what you will about Taco Bell, but when you're drunk late at night and need some quick & cheap food, it does the trick.

Not gonna lie, I actually enjoyed the cheesy animated framing segments as well. The Creep just laying down pun after pun, and the fat bully (I want his ASS!) getting eaten by the venus flytraps are very fond to me. Albeit, it doesn't quite top a kid killing his dad with a voodoo doll because he threw away his comic

Over here, lady!

I feel the need, the need for weed! Creepshow 2 is a fun flick, yeah it's not as good as the original, but it's got some great scenes. Lighten up, people.

I thought this was the funniest ep of the season so far. This whole season in general has been consistently hilarious and a big step up from last year's mediocre season.

Well I liked it