Damn son, the Noblesse Oblige is strong in this one.
Damn son, the Noblesse Oblige is strong in this one.
Indecently rich pop star girlfriend who travels frequently for worldwide tours with access to private planes and yachts says UK is “too far”. She’s just not the into you, bro.
So maybe their convo went like this:
To compound the issues, even if they can open their doors, they’ll have a difficult time finding doctors who can perform abortions. NPR had a story just the other day about barriers to training in Texas, which basically boil down to Texas thinks it’s acceptable to make their med students go out of state to learn how…
I’m torn between this shit is fake because TayTay wants to distract from all the Kanye/Famous stuff and Hiddles wants Bond and it’s real and she’s knocked up. Because I seriously don’t get meeting the parents after 2 weeks.
No. They would have had to have sex for that to happen, and from their body language, I don’t think they have.
Ungreying STAT
Okay, but seriously. Meeting both sets of parents? Hiddleston constantly looking vaguely concerned?
Daredevil is my jam. I desperately want a Daredevil game.
Congress has actually blocked the CDC and NIH from being able to study gun violence (even though 34000 Americans die per year).
All responsible gun owners are responsible gun owners right up until they aren't. Weird how that works.
It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that’s exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns.
Tom did the Hank Williams biopic, he met the family.
I think it is Tom’s network, not Taylor’s. Though she is likely working that asset for her own network. Holly, please stay clear of any squad photo shoots
“Hello, robot they call ‘Tom’.”
“Observe and replicate. The Hu-Man animal shows affection to its brood mate by clasping the extremities of the forelimb.”
They can’t even fucking hold hands like normal people.
Meeting the parents after 2 weeks- even as a PR stunt- is... absurd. If any part of this is real, they must have been fucking around longer.
That’s good. I also like Swindles and Hiddlestunt