I am actually personally unaware of any bad behavior regarding him and his wives, so do tell if you have the deets. His relations with women have always seemed suspect to me so I’m alllll ears.
I am actually personally unaware of any bad behavior regarding him and his wives, so do tell if you have the deets. His relations with women have always seemed suspect to me so I’m alllll ears.
As in the photographer? I’m afraid I don’t get the reference...
Musk as in Elon Musk? I’ve always thought him to be a bit arrogant personality-wise and hypocritical in his donation patterns (anyone who donates to Rubio is at least somewhat spineless in my opinion), personally. Still, he’s straight up Space Jesus to most people.
I wonder if it’ll be as much of a debacle as Gods of Egypt or Exodus: Gods and Kings on the whitewashing front. Only time will tell, I suppose...
You mean his ode to McDonald’s didn’t inspire you to grab life by the horns and follow your dreams? Hmm.
There’s a word for that special sub-species of clown: assclown.
I’m going to opt for the latter. You know, the banality of evil and all that. He’s so entrenched in his ignorance and apathy regarding the suffering of people of color and women that he honestly can’t see why people would find his sentencing history objectionable. People like to think it’s supervillians-serial rapists…
I’ll humor you and respond earnestly. My high school health class-and I went to a Catholic high school-did discuss rape a little bit. It wasn’t nuanced in any significant way, but we did talk about rape and how most cases of it are, in fact, forms of acquaintance rape. The teacher also stressed that if a person is…
I think you’re massively underestimating the role of A) incentives and B) celebrity in this situation right now. To start, the E Online article has a screengrab of her tweet announcing the charity auction. It was liked by more than 4,000 people and re-tweeted by almost 2,500 people. So, clearly, people are interested…
So I did some quick number crunching: in order to reach 1 mil in donations, only 100,000 people need to donate $10 in Britney’s raffle. Her fanbase is massive, certainly numbering in the millions, many of whom would LOVE to either meet her at the VMAs or own one of her outfits. So she’s gonna get more than 100,000…
This gif is mesmerizing for so many reasons. The boots she’s wearing, the live Python(!) around her neck, the colorful background dancers. No wonder Britney’s managed to stay relevant as a pop singer; girl’s got a flair for the dramatic.
That choice of words stood out to me as well, particularly because of how terrifying the implications of it are. Not terrifying in the sense of “Oh, this kid is a stone-cold sociopath incapable of remorse,” but terrifying in the sense that his parents and his schooling failed systematically in imparting to Becker an…
Ugh, thanks for that imagery. Your victory is total, truly.
After leaving the room, she said she received a text message from Becker at 5:13 a.m., stating “sorry, its my fault.” Another text Becker allegedly sent her about 2½ hours later says, “Very sorry about last night I was very much in the wrong and was an embarrassment ... I understand if I’m not your favorite person…
You made the same joke as me, but better and a half our before I did...well played. You win this round, PhallicBaldwin2.
My hope is that Dog will live on under the roof of The Slot or Deadspin. Gawker the site might have been put down, but Dog must remain, always.
You forgot about Milo Yiannopoulos! But I would watch this in a heartbeat, if for no other reason than to see what happens when you create an environment where a critical mass of fragile masculinity is reached.
The same reason Criminal Minds is still a thing: old people.
I feel like Yoko’s Twitter musings are especially apt today, as Gawker.com is shipped to a farm upstate. To all the Gawker.com staff, you all believed in what you did, and at the end of the day, that was enough. Farewell.
I’m of the opinion that commercialism (extreme capitalism more specifically) has always dominated the Olympics as we know them today, just behind closed doors and outside the realm of the athletes. Think about it: venue selection is essentially a bribery process whereby the IOC fleeces the world’s nations for the…