An Unforeseen Consequence

My hope is that Dog will live on under the roof of The Slot or Deadspin. Gawker the site might have been put down, but Dog must remain, always.

You forgot about Milo Yiannopoulos! But I would watch this in a heartbeat, if for no other reason than to see what happens when you create an environment where a critical mass of fragile masculinity is reached.

The same reason Criminal Minds is still a thing: old people.

I feel like Yoko’s Twitter musings are especially apt today, as is shipped to a farm upstate. To all the staff, you all believed in what you did, and at the end of the day, that was enough. Farewell.

I’m of the opinion that commercialism (extreme capitalism more specifically) has always dominated the Olympics as we know them today, just behind closed doors and outside the realm of the athletes. Think about it: venue selection is essentially a bribery process whereby the IOC fleeces the world’s nations for the

I can definitely believe the daily mail crucified him. Very much their MO. Still, I feel like mainstream American media is letting him off easy. Matt Lauer just throws Lochte softball questions in the original interview.

I only discovered the existence of the app with your post so I’m really feeling the regret right now. Well, there’s always the winter olympics I guess...

Oh, that would be Rowdy. His name is quite fitting.

Oh yeah. They’d be labeled as thugs and trouble-makers immediately. The paternalistic and entitled talk about how “they need to remember they are role models” and “they should be disappointed in themselves” would set in immediately. Hell, one can see the double standard in how the media gave Lochte a virtual pass but

That would be Dan Hicks and/or Rowdy Gaines. Both can be a bit...over-enthusiastic. At least Rowdy never attributed a swimmer’s victory to her husband anyway, unlike Dan.

I’m a Grey so I don’t know how successful this will be, but let this be the Complaint Thread for the Olympics. Anything you thought was particularly egregious about the event (IOC practices, conduct of certain competitors, biased media coverage, etc.), feel free to discuss here!

Christ, NBC has been, hands-down, the worst part of the Olympics for me. Their commentators are all entertainment reporters so they don’t have the slightest clue on how to talk about the events or individual competitors with the knowledge the audience deserves. Always trying to turn each athlete into a human interest

I’m still shocked the Velodrome didn’t collapse mid-competition and that not a single competitor in a water-related sport has contracted some serious illness already. I mean, incubation period like you say but still. The Olympics weren’t nearly the shit-show I thought they would be, except that privileged fuckboy

Yeah I can get behind that. As I express elsewhere, I do believe Bette’s misgendering of Caitlyn was in poor taste and inappropriate. Caitlyn might not be a good advocate of trans folk, but I do believe her transition was a real thing for her. I feel Bette’s joke was an attempt at highlighting Caitlyn’s hypocrisy and

Yeah, I feel like this is one of those situations where Bette had a salient point (Caitlyn’s hypocrisy and privilege) and just went about making it in a questionable way. The joke is clearly aimed at Caitlyn’s lack of integrity, but the misgendering part of it was in poor taste I think.

For me, the phony attitude part has less to do whether Caitlyn’s transition was “genuine” in any sense, because that’s honestly not any of my business, and more to do with Caitlyn’s conservative politics, which run counter to her identity as a trans-woman. Like she engages in queer baiting to gain support from the

Ahh, The Killing. Man, I’m gonna be honest, I dropped that show like a hot potato after the second season. I feel like it took advantage of audience goodwill just to stretch out the Larson case for two whole damn seasons. So many red herrings and unlikable characters, yeesh. Top of the Lake is what The Killing should

It’s funny, I have one friend who swears by this show and a movie blog I follow elsewhere is a big fan but the Damon Lindelof pedigree has always kept me away...I’ve heard it’s entering its final season though so maybe I’ll catch up on it before the season airs? Hmm, decisions decisions. Thanks for the rec though!

Well first off, good job on being the first person to recommend something I have never heard of! Moreover, I’m a sucker for 1920's era crime stories (Boardwalk Empire and Peaky Blinders are my go-to’s for that category) so you’ve definitely piqued my interest. I’ll look into it, thanks!