An Unforeseen Consequence

See, in my view, the fact that institutions do not care enough to proactively discipline and educate these organizations before widespread media attention falls on them indicates a general permissiveness around those acts (the blackface-like behavior, barring women of color from entry, general homophobic tendencies,

If your idiot “friend” was ranting about gays or people of color you wouldn’t be equivocating...I’m fucking tired of it being socially acceptable to degrade women.

I put this in a reply to someone, but if anyone wants to hear how much of a miserable and vile shitheel this guy is, listen to this podcast (he’s the one being interviewed):

Yeah, Metzger seems like the internet neckbeard type of bro: puts up a bold and cutting persona online to air out his opinions and validate his masculinity but is too intimidated by people (women especially) with actual intelligence in real life. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if Schumer didn’t know the extent

The number of people who didn’t get the sub-text are surprising; the Jez commentariat is usually pretty good on sniffing out this shit.

You’re doing God’s work, Masshole James. Never change.

Quality shitpost Bobby, quality shitpost.

I’ve sunk about 40 hours into it so I feel decently informed. This game is DEFINITELY for the type of person that is okay with-thrives even-in settings with no hand-holding and linearity. There is little to no structured storyline so if you want a purpose, it’ll be on your end (immersive storytelling). The game is


Oh. Well then maybe I have encountered a doppleganger. Hmm, I’ll be on the lookout!

Ah, I might just be thinking of a post I saw by you when your parenthetical was different then. I didn’t realize you changed them so I thought it was someone masquerading as you. Problem solved!

Because I know I did :D

Haha appreciate the info! This whole thread has definitely been an education for me.

No problem! I thought it was interesting as well, so I figured I’d share :)

Well I could have sworn I saw you post something in io9 a couple days ago (like last Thursday). And I’m pretty sure that the parenthetical after SarsAttacks was different than “remembers all Alamos equally.” I also could just be losing my mind, which is always possible.

Is it though? Ever since she started pushing her “squad” narrative, she’s tweeted/instagrammed/sung stuff that talks alot about not letting oneself be defined or constrained by other’s perceptions of you. I’m not Tay-Swizz fan, but I could see her rationalizing the implants along the lines of “it’s my body and no one

Okay Sars, my question is completely off-topic but I’ve been wondering this for awhile now: do you changer your username frequently or are there multiple SarsAttacks dopplegangers operating on the Gawker sites?

I’m not into country at all, personally, so I can’t say I’m inclined to check out her music. But if she’s doing what she loves, more power to her.

Methinks your dark humor was just ahead of it’s time. That’s golden in my opinion!

A question from a 22 year old, I’m afraid. I’ll be honest here and admit I have no idea what show these characters were parts of...showing my age I guess.