An Unforeseen Consequence
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Going off of what Kazuhira says below, I think the intergenerational aspect of rape culture and toxic masculinity is of significance here. The father had these values of male domination and female subservience instilled in him by his father, and so on. Additionally, part of his social capital as a “man” is predicated

Outgoing Democratic Party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz heckled at Florida breakfast, opponents shout, “Shame.”

Let’s not forget that a big part of Sanders’ campaign was built upon bashing Schultz, the Democratic party and creating this victim mentality of “we’re going up against the establishment machine.”

Of course; I understand that perspective now, even though I was originally unsympathetic-harsh even-to the idea that the conservatorship might be to her benefit. My response to you was me explaining why I felt the way I did; pretty much acknowledging that I jumped the gun a little due to past negative experiences

I’m honestly not certain what comment of mine this is referring to...sorry.

I guess, for me, it feels that way because I’ve read so many articles, and also had personal experience, with legal guardians taking advantage of their children for profit. I have some work experience with social work and have dealt with exploitative foster parents (taking on more kids than they could handle for state

To your first point, it is a distinct possibility that the only reason, or at least a major reason, she is able to continue doing well is because of the conservatorship. Not knowing the details of her health and such does preclude us from making a fully formed analysis of her situation. So we all are kind of

I don’t think he would have accepted it, if offered. I love Bernie, but he isn’t the sort of guy to be beholden to someone else. That’s why he was an Independent until this election. That’s why he refused to take money from large PACs. He’s his own boss and he likes it that way. Additionally, he is a major force for

I’ll admit I’m being rather callous about the death of a human being. But from my knowledge of conservatorships in general, and hers in particular, it realistically doesn’t seem like she’ll be able to enjoy total financial and social independence until her father passes. And even then if his successor in


I think they’ll try to court Bernie supports in a roundabout way. Something like, “Crooked Hillary appoints indecisive Tim Kaine as VP. He supports TPP. Sellout!” He isn’t the populist that Bernie or Trump have been so smart money is on Trump and his ilk exploiting that gap.

And for everybody who is uncertain about Tim, here’s an article exploring why, even though he might not be the MOST progressive politician, he’s still a really solid pick:…

That’s a damn shame. I imagine the current conservator, her father, would have authority over who it would pass to in the situation of his death as well? Which means it would be someone he would trust to continue to control her like he has. Man, no one deserves to live life like that.

I’m really glad you spotlighted this phenomenon. Colonial powers did not engage in direct rule when they didn’t have to and color definitely played a part in their decisions on who to deputize as their local reps.

How old is her father anyway? Hopefully he dies soon so she can be out from under his thumb. She seems to be doing well these days so I’m confident she would be a totally functioning performer and mother without him.

To me, this doesn’t feel like a win because of how cynical the entire “resignation” process probably took place behind closed doors. That is to say, as the article alludes to, Lachlan and James Murdoch are steadily wresting more power from their father so they can do stuff like this. Their dislike of Roger is well

Veep and its writers are so goddamn inspired. I fucking love this

I feel the jury is still out on the benevolent part (look into his political contributions) but I’m with you on the general sentiment. Amber’s on the come-up!

And yet, this would be used as an example of “stifling overregulation” on the part of liberals by the Republican Party. It’s amazing to me-in the worst way possible-how they can ignore the human cost of lack of regulation so totally. But, then again, they have their fingers in all the pies so I shouldn’t be that