Mr Mosquito

We rapidly approach a point, a competence event horizon if you will, where I can say local crack dealers are actually less scuzzy than Gamestop and mean it.

“Everyone who disagrees with me is a troll, everything they say must be dismissed as as rhetoric or buzzwords! Insults, I need more insults!”

With your shitty jokes and her shitty personality, you two sound positively MADE for each other!

With an attitude like yours, I couldn’t imagine why it’s so difficult to find employment. Ho hum.

Remember that time FF7 tried to be a third-person shooter?

Now, for your benefit, I'm gonna explain this reee~eal slow : Do work, don't get paid for work. 

Ever seen than old US army primer on engaging enemy armor?  Tank crews are surprisingly vulnerable once you know how to engage a vehicle.

Your immediate defensiveness and dismissal were amusing, considering I only responded with a simple, easily reached conclusion. Your ranting only adds to that.

Were you there in the trenches, too, shooting into that damn cave?

To be fair, you’re the one getting upset someone doesn't care about your opinion of a game considered DoA before the stupid controversies and mismanagement. Odds are good, this conversation is the most fun the ghost of a television host has had with anything relating to Fallout 76. Lighten up.

Weren’t you the dude who got upset Destiny 2 had functional, competitive “Dad builds?”

Isn’t it just so easy to make everything sound banal and pointless by boiling it down to the very bare elemental points — and then just handily gloss over a ton of details? War on terror? Sandpeople oil mugging. Abortion? Biblical Babymurder. Any modern issue isn't so complex if you live in a 2D worldview!

Yeah, how DARE adults dudes buy things made for adult dudes, on a platform they like. There needs to be more lesbian porn games, arbitrarily, because I say so!

The explosions, heat, gunsmoke fumes and chainsaw clouds - and the things they come from - are all perfectly acceptable, but cigarettes, ooh noo, those are bad.

The option was intended to be included in case the female models, for whatever reason (Modeling, voice acting, mechanical features like hitboxes or sommat like) did not meet the same level of quality as the rest of the game.

Not to excuse the poe-faced lie or genuine stupid mistake, having grown up in Alabama, i can guarantee ‘there are Southerners who genuinely think the Confederate flag is just some sort of ‘Southern Pride’ thing - if anything should embarrass or disappoint you, it is this ironic lack of knowledge of one’s own history.

I can’t tell if these comments are sarcastic or legitimately trying to get brownie points for riding feminist coat-tails, and it’s killing me.

Your limp-wristed jabs at a playerbase who enjoys the game for their central crux amuses me deeply.
“Oh, they’re difficult and that means it’s a way for sad people to compensate for their lack of girth! That must be it!”

No, mouthbreather — the entire core concept is getting past the difficulty with your evergrowing

I like that it’s a Kotaku author taking shots at a dude for hyperbolic posting.
It’s like a Special Olympics competitor taking shots at a disabled kid’s flailing for being amateur.

You can, and you’ll try to, of course. I, too, would like to do that — and avoid a chicken restaurant of ALL THINGS — from calling me an asshole just because their theofundamental sky daddy book said they should.