Meh. Imagine what he could have done if he had had a gun.
Meh. Imagine what he could have done if he had had a gun.
It doesn’t make for a good test drive but it sure is great to own.
None of these suggestions have flat engines. The cayman does and the forester did, so it is obvious that the incoming car should too. I think it should be a corvair van.
You can skip three miles. Great exercise, as well as being attractive.
But then people won’t mistake it for a Malibu, which is why I bought an SS in the first place.
It’s basically a factory close out. They never tried to sell a lot of them. They just wanted to keep the factory open until 2017 and so they contracted for a certain number of them to be made. Union contract. No ad budget, no hopes for the future. That’s why it’s not a failure. Just because some of them are sitting on…
It’s essentially a clearance sale item. Not sure how people missed that. Factory close-out.
Dammit! If I hadn’t eaten so much tofurkey and had to nap afterwards, I would be driving it already.
Different with video games because you can get an emulator or a used copy and it’s the same experience. Keeping one all sealed up makes much more sense.
I don’t think a mclaren can be totaled at this point. The value of the car is higher than ALL repair costs.
I’m trying to have these arguments right now but my wife just keeps talking about a second child.
This is a fully running car with no serious issues BUT, I have owned it for almost 10 years and have only had the ability to put a new suspension on it. I have a closet full of new parts that I am too busy to install... 2018...? I hope soon! I left the grass uncut to give it more of a derelict look but it actually…
A good friend of mine had one of these in college. We used it to go snowboarding on many occasions and, I suppose, get into trouble here and there. Really miss that thing. A perfect car, for sure.
Freedom hater.
Sorry, but the very fact that the universe WAS alakazammed at all is significantly more relevant than how. Who cares whether there was a being in between that directed it? As for chemtrails, the baddies have to breath the same air we victims do... so less likely.
Let’s just call them drones. Should clear things up.
It’s ok, that BMW was going to crash anyway.
I wish people would indicate. I feel like it’s the easiest form of rebellion in a car because, even though it takes almost ZERO effort, people feel some sort of personal triumph for avoiding doing it. The scenario that I find the most common and avoidable by use of turn signal is the ‘center lane straddled by two…
Are they sure it isn’t an augmented-audio gear-grinding? These new cars just try too hard.