
Is there a way to do stance to it? Cuz that’s what this needs.

Well, I have $15M kicking around in my mattress but, YELLOW?!?!?! good luck.

I mean, it’s a wrap, right?

Sooooo the lesson is to drive the speed limit and always check your tire condition/pressure. Got it, mom.

I don’t think I’ve ever been to Staten Island on purpose.

I prefer engine-acceleration when going downhill.

My god, it’s full of stars...

High Plains Argentine Alcantaras have a genetic disease that kills them young, anyway. If they’re free range, it’s still pretty humane.

See, you have a lot of info I did not have and it is the exact reason I try to sit back on these things. I feel as though Edd could have saved everyone a lot of trouble except I believe he did not know he was loading the blame on Mike. He speaks so freely and is so personable that his message is bound to be mistaken

I have seen a lot of the anger over the net and have felt it was mostly based on a fantasy: that somehow the show is real and the character that Mike plays is a real person that we aren’t supposed to like. I love Mike. He’s fun and annoying and kind of a weasel. So what? He loves cars and gives the show its context.

They just want it to keep an eye on the Nazis up there. Or are they the Nazis? No wait, the Nazis are on (in) Ceres, right? CIA is on Mars. Barack Obama was a Marsmonaught.

I’ve unseen it a whole bunch.

On some cars it looks horrendous, some... it’s awesome.

Very polarizing. I happen to love it. Not on the NSX, however. Such a shame with that car, turning it into a slammed accord. Up close, it is otherwise beautifully appointed.

I just hate the mill-off-the-top-layer-to-reveal-aluminum-underneath wheel finishing. China has been doing this for decades to very poor effect and they have influenced our design decisions as a result. I’ve had several factories try to force this on my company over the last few years. It takes a huge force of will to

Yeah- it isn’t like we are driving ALL cars from one brand and can’t tell which one we’re in on any given day. Usually, we have just one and there is no concern that it might match another model because we don’t personally own another model.

He’s a lawyer. He knows it’s legal and, I think the pivotal point here, “temporary”. He’s just having a little fun at the neighborhood’s expense. He’s more of a troll, which I respect. HOAs need a good trolling.

Yeah, you can see these and other cars in parking lots everywhere with their trunks wide open and no one around.