if you say blake bortles i’m gonna slap you a lot
if you say blake bortles i’m gonna slap you a lot
she’s divorced but apparently she’s dating martin mcdonagh
the opening credits for this season kinda convinces me of that, too
“Staring off into nothing like a fuckin zoloft commercial.”
Jesse using a magnifying glass rather than just zooming in on the security footage (cause he probably doesn’t know how to/that you can zoom) really tracks.
“Music has always soothed my vicious temper.”
Yes. Just meant in the fact that they were both like small town, accented, powerful women, period characters?? Definitely similar in that regard but not the same. You’re exactly right though.
Oh I’ve been alllll over Lodge 49 since the beginning! Love it to pieces.
I don’t watch that but I’m gonna say yes..?
The opening shot reminded me a looot of that certain iconic scene of Dexter, but way funnier. Between Julie Benz and Florida I wonder if it was at least slightly intentional.
The only god I believe in is Kirsten Dunst.
“I hate when he air-fucks.”
“Should we say something?” “…Help!” “Oh, shit.”
“Did you just blow a kiss at me?”
“Mine looked like he was gonna be fine. The back fender probably just gave him a charley horse or something.”
*eviscerates Levi for his idea* “Okay, this is a safe space. We can pitch freely.”
“People don’t say…
Yeah. Sonya Cassidy doing a heavy Scottish accent I think. Would be funny cause Dud is always trying to get her to come to at least check out the lodge and she’s voicing the mysterious Melinda.
will also be using the phrase “just give me a jangle” from now on
Thanks for your past reviews and random check-ins Vikram! Some of my favorite reviews on this site are yours for this show.
No prob! I don’t think it has ever been mentioned by name, just shown. I definitely agree though I’m sure we’ll be seeing and hearing much more about it.
The voice of Melinda at Lodge 1 is Sonya Cassidy, yeah?
“I’d say let’s revolt, but historically whenever there’s a coup, it leads inevitably to a violent counterrevolution, and I just don’t have the time.”
“Let’s hit some balls!” *proceeds to literally hit his balls*
“Liz. Hey. Booie attacked me with…
i can’t wait
Oops said the same thing about the eyes/blindfold before I saw this comment. But I hope she becomes the human embodiment of the “second map” Blaise was talking about.
“I have the feeling of having a memory, just not the actual memory.”
“The rat is the king of history. He always wins.”
“He’s hoping it’s bubonic plague and says he wants to take that ride.” I’ve missed the shit out of this show.