
2 things that had me on the verge of tears:

-Kidman screaming “NO! NO! NO!” while imagining Madeline in her situation, oooof. Robin Weigert’s startled reaction was the same one I had.
-That scene with Jane and Ziggy. Mostly when Jane was trying not to cry in front of Ziggy when he asked about “salt/assault” so she

Late comment but hey I’m trying my best!

She was also great in an arc in Casual! An underrated Hulu original gem, imo.

Robin Weigert as Dr. Reisman is the most calming presence.
Laura Dern power posing in a gown is just what I needed.

“Jeremy Bearimy, baby.”

hello all, really been awol since the premiere been super busy and out of town a bunch and haven’t had time to watch/post but gonna be back later today or tomorrow with comic book scene openers/quotes/thoughts!! :)

Saw that twitter stuff as well, hope Hulu picks it up too!!

me too! :(

yeah there are! I think on twitter mike o’brien said there were 4 episodes left to air

I will never get over PWB’s reactions/facial expressions (especially 4th wall), you really can’t look away from the screen for a second, nor should you want to.
“Don’t make me an optimist you will ruin my life.”
“His beautiful neck.” “What?” I gasped!
“I sometimes worry that I wouldn’t be such a feminist if I had bigger

Nadja on vampire orgies: *shrugs* “It’s fine.”
“You need to re-cover that chaise lounge. Cause I’ll ejaculate straight through that.”
“I have a strobe light up, and a couple speakers playing some, uh, acid jazz.”
“I got this one because it shows human food, and if I ever have a human in here, they’ll feel at home. I

Well this is a bummer. Thought season 2 was a great step up! At least there’s a handful of episodes left this season.

Oh fuck that’s right!! I completely forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder. Yeah my mind went straight to the darkest possible thing.

“Put her in a quiet room with a nice breeze she’ll have a panic attack.”
“Don’t be weird about how big my office is.” “What the fuck?!”
“What’s his name?” “Klare.” “What?” “His name is Klare.”
“Men have been pretty hands-on the past few decades.”
“I’m trained in martial arts. It’s just the basics but it’s enough.”

“Please be seated.” “And also with you.”
“I thought you’d be in prison by now.” “Oh, well, I keep trying but they just won’t have me.”
“So you were in my prayers last night.” “Likewise.”
“I’d Spend 40 Days and 40 Nights In That Dessert.” “Oh god I fancy a priest.”
“Oh it’s Chatty Wednesday. If you buy something you have

Approx. 3 Long Years have come and passed. Thank sexy priest Fleabag is back.

this show is so good

I try not to repeat the ones Vikram already notes in his reviews! But I agree, it is a great line.

Beanie Feldstein continues to be incredible

watching this on a plane right now and i guffawed at Laszlo’s confession of being Jack the Ripper hopefully not too loud though