
“My associate Lindsay saw you in Sally’s piece said you were great. She said ‘he’s very loud.’” “Aw she didn’t have to say that.”
“So it’s a feature.” “No, it’s a movie.”
“What, are they reading extras now?” “No. That is so weird, Sally said the same thing.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, this fuckin guy. Can someone please shut

“I’ve never run, at any speed.” “I don’t even walk at a clip.”

agreed, it’s genius

“I am man of my word, okay? I am honest Gabe.”
“Are you fucking serious? Are you fucking kidding me right now? You just fucked this moment. This beautiful, tender moment with your accordion. You just whipped our your accordion, and you fucked it, man.” Played this over and over so many times, you can just see Bill

absolutely agree!

Agreed, also think since Blaine is kinda the worst he is so narcissistic and lacking of empathy that brains have a hard time affecting him for the most part.

Ok hello I am back! Took me a bit longer to watch than I thought but here we are! Glad this show is back. (This is gonna be long comment, apologies in advance)
Comic Book Scene Openers:
Six Months Later
Brain Drain
Some Assembly Required
Precautionary Trail
Kid Friendly
Bridge Over Troubled Soldiers
Ok, Computer

Y’all I am living for sexually liberated Alba. The way she said “sexy” and overrolled her r’s when talking about him in the beginning.
“Daddy always takes his pills in secret and keeps them on the top shelf of the bathroom cabinet where we can’t reach them.” “They’re probably benzos.” “What?” “Mommy left the parental

haven’t watched yet but just wanted to say yay! reviews continue, happy to see it.

Ahh thank you! Appreciate it! Surprised to hear you’ve seen my comments from last season (that’s when I started that lil beat? wait actually s3 I think) especially since you didn’t review it yourself. Also just not sure in general how many reviewers comb through the comments section on this site, personally I have a

Loved that the Baron immediately took out a sound person
“It is the greatest violation of the unnatural order by which we live. Also, can he even die?” “AH!” “You happy now? You just scared the shit out of all three of us? Hmm? You don’t knock anymore? Is this the new you? Hmm?”
“One such person is the baron. And he’s

Couldn’t catch this live so I’ll be back with Comic Book Scene Openers and quotes/thoughts tomorrow! :) Also hi LaToya, glad to see you’re reviewing the last season!


We are here! Got my parents into it a couple episodes after s1 aired, once they saw the chug & spit take from Christine in the pilot, they were sold.

Also Legion, duh 

Baskets yeeees!!! Feel like it’s been multiple years since the last season came out. I can’t wait!

The Souvenir and Booksmart look incredible can’t wait to see them

ahh yes thank you! any warbly singing drew tarver is great in my book

One cockup is an accident, two cockups starts to look like carelessness.” “Or a threesome.”

Ronny coming in hot with the nunchucks killed me.
After throwing Lily across the kitchen island Barry saying “Sorry. I’m sorry. Honey? Honey, are you okay?” was beyond perfect.
“What’d you want me to get?” “Needle and thread!” “Okay.” “For stitches!” “I understand.” “Because I’m dying!”
“But killing a child? Jesus.