
oh shit, we need to know!!


thank you

totally understand what you mean

somehow accidentally posted this on WoT instead (curse you kinja with your endless scrolling and inability to delete comments!) but:

oops somehow commented on the wrong article! supposed to be for fosse/verdon. endless scrolling on kinja messes me up. wish we could delete comments..

Definitely needed more Aya Cash but what we got was amazing, especially that final convo with Gwen. Great episode and recap!

The Farts & Procreation episodes are what I revisit most often when feeling bad.

Sad to see The Bold Type coverage go :( hopefully we can get an end of season recap!

i needed the farm’s comeuppance like 5 betty schemes ago

definitely know him from the tv show Greek and then he played a teacher in Lady Bird

“Shelter of automobiles” is what I’m gonna call a parking garage from now on.
“Well okay, how about you go be immortal at brunch?”
“We would get given one balloon between all my brothers and sisters. And then we would bite at each other to get it. One year, my sister bit my brother’s thigh and then we sold the meat for

“I’m not a babysitter.” “Yes, I know. You’re much cheaper.”

he truly is

Villanelle hating the cig was great.
“You can do nothing. And die alone. Do you have cats?” “I have a cat, yes.”
“I don’t normally get angry, Eve. It makes me feel sleepy. So you’ll just have to imagine that I sound rather angry when I say this.”

Bill Hader is sO GOOD.
Noho Hank’s desert outfit.
“Uh, dad, you airdropped me a picture of your shirtless in front of a mirror.”
“Hey, Barry, we’re both alphas. I understand.”
The same wind whooshing sound played in the beginning of the episode as Sam was speaking at dinner and when Barry was charging at the villager’s

so good

me too! a perfect end to the episode 

We love a Jake and Kevin episode!!
“Your yogurt’s spoiled.” “WHO DID THIS?”
“Can I play with your laser pointer?” “You know, the laser pointer is a bit of a misnomer. It is simply a laser. The pointer is you.” “That was awesome.”
“Mahler’s fourth symphony. He’d never just sit in any section.” “I might. I’m flexible.” “Oh