Cool pic, but the spiders are probably a nightmare and how did they insulate it? I'm interested in seeing what the interior looks like.
Cool pic, but the spiders are probably a nightmare and how did they insulate it? I'm interested in seeing what the interior looks like.
@ReberIsReber: I live in Columbus too and I have 2.87 down and 0.94 up and I have AT&T too! Do you pay the extra $30 a month for the Pro?
@acslaterson: Ooops,
@codeandpoetry: Prude, hahaha.
After reading this article I'm going to see this again in IMAX tomorrow, hahaha. It made my Top 10 movies of all time in the first viewing, let's see if it will crack the Top 5 with my second one!
@acslaterson: hope*
@SAThorn: Totally agree, that is why I was so pumped for "Inception". I hop after the next Batman he films another psychological thriller!
@TomXP411: Touché, hahaha!
To think, all of this could have been avoided if they had just hidden the metal behind casing, hahaha. I'm going to order one in a couple of weeks so I can get the free case. This is why I always wait a couple of months when any product comes out. And props to you Gizmodo for being the bigger person and admitting…
@8oardR1der: Do you actually live somewhere that has 4G? I'm not picking a fight but my buddy bought one and was talking a lot of trash and he didn't even realize there is no 4G in Ohio, that and he is paying an extra $10 a month for nothing, hahaha.
@ImSpartacus: I know, I'm from Columbus. The video shows it burning, hahaha.
What I don't get is that every church has a cross. Is a cross not an idol?
I love my iPhone 3G and hope to pick up the 4 but Apple is so stupid for not only putting glass on the back but also making such a big deal about it's strength. Oh, and put out an update for 4.0! I can't use the iPod on my phone anymore because it crashes as soon as I open it!
I love my iPhone 3G and hope to pick up the 4 but Apple is so stupid for not only putting glass on the back but also making such a big deal about it's strength. Oh, and put out an update for 4.0! I can't use the iPod on my phone anymore because it crashes as soon as I open it!
Flight Control, Kindle, and Key Ring Reward Cards have been updated as well.
@CommentStalker: I was actually 10 minutes late for work because of this, hahaha.
After waiting almost 2 hours for the software to install on my 3G it almost wasn't worth it(besides my OCD of having neatly aligned apps and now only having 2 pages makes this guy happy!). My phone is now moving slow as hell though...