
While I wouldn't call Elizabeth Warren that, it's hardly an indicator of being alt-right. Especially when the rest of the comment hit on some actual problems that the country is facing.

I just don't like the inclination people have to name call and label other people without even responding to the points they're making.

The MSM is the liberal press. Conservative media is not the mainstream.

That makes him alt-right? So anyone that calls anyone a name is alt-right? I'm confused as to whether or not any of you know what it means to be alt-right.

Yes, the MSM is really in control. Nothing wrong there.

These are valid criticisms of our political climate. Left and Right. The do-nothing republicans are just as bad.

I think if you're determining someone's like to post ratio, then you might be doing the internet wrong. Nothing this guy said is alt-right. Try reading his comment, and using your brain to think about what he's saying. Not just tell him he doesn't get enough likes and start yelling about alt-right.

This wasn't a bad Bourne movie. The action was great I thought, especially the motorcylce chase in Greece, and the SWAT / Charger chase through Vegas. While I agree the Daddy issues storyline was weak, having the guy chasing Bourne be the same guy that killed his dad, wasn't a bad touch. The main CIA analyst that

"A bunch of libertarian preppers have birth control? Yeah fucking right."

Troy tells Madison that he did kill those people.

Pablo was a highlight of the season for sure. The most compelling character apart from Wednesday.

I enjoyed this season from time to time.

Must be nice in your fantasy land.

People need to be able to take a joke. Johnny Depp is not going to assassinate Trump. Granted it be much easier if no one said anything like this, because it's much easier to just accept our political process and try again in 3.5 years. But people making a big deal out of anyone who insinuates taking Trump down is

Of course he didn't get what he wanted. But he initiated a battle with another nemesis (Howard) and Howard figured out how to end this battle and leave Chuck helpless when it comes to continuing to fight him on it.

Laura Moon is the worst character on the show. Mad Sweeney is excellent, nice mix between comedic and intense. I love his little chats with Wednesday's ravens. I assume the finale will shine a light in regards to his and Wednesday's role in having Laura murdered the first time around. The only interesting thing about

Howard leaves him by saying "You won." Chuck was going to take the firm to court in order to receive his buyout. So Howard offering it to him out of his own pocket gives Chuck the win without even having to go to court. I understand what you're saying, it's obviously not what he wants, he still wants to be a partner

He is destroyed when Jimmy does not fight back. Chuck needs a nemesis. For the duration of the show, it's been Jimmy. After the court hearing, and subsequent retirement offer, it was H.H.M. But after the out-of-pocket payout from Howard, Chuck wins that fight, so that's done. He then makes another attempt to bring

You could argue that Kim's "play to your strengths" comment will have a lot to do with Jimmy's decisions regarding his law practice in the future. But I agree, I don't think he could fully embrace Saul until an actual serious relationship (possibly marriage) with Kim is off the table.

It's Francesca.