The review is talking about Chuck using crocodile tears to get the new prosecution to offer Jimmy the plea deal.
The review is talking about Chuck using crocodile tears to get the new prosecution to offer Jimmy the plea deal.
Great show.
He used a minor mistake to show that Kim would be best to handle the account. He didn't account for the fact that Chuck would lose his mind over the idea that he could possibly make a small mistake. Chuck's life and reputation as a lawyer is already set in stone, he doesn't need to keep attempting to hold Kim and…
But, it was made known that Chuck had actually been trying for a really long time to keep Jimmy from ever getting a real job at a law-firm. So to say he tried to keep him on the right side of the law is kind of two-sided. Yes he tried to keep him out of trouble, but when he finally did get out of trouble, and turned…
Exactly. You handle things within' the family, just like Jimmy did. He came to Chuck, saw he was hurting, and put his own feelings aside to help ease his mind. (Remember, he only switched the dates on Chuck in the first place because Chuck made it a point to steal the account away from Kim.) And not only does Chuck go…
The absolute worst. Jimmy is in pain, expressing how insane it is for Chuck to betray an intimate family moment (Chuck telling him he's losing his mind, Jimmy coming clean out of guilt) all so he can tape him?!? It's not enough just to keep him out of HHM, he needs undeniable evidence that's he's right about Jimmy,…
Now that was a great episode. Kind of what I was expecting out of the premiere. The plates are spinning, so much that's been built up over the past season came to fruition in this episode. It was well worth it. I'm really looking forward to watching the Mike/Gus/Saul relationship build. I honestly don't know how Kim…
Chip and Dale seem like 2 completely different people, it's crazy how Zach is playing both and able to make them seem so different. And Louie is so good, it's hard thinking of Christine as anyone else than the character. The actors have really done an outstanding job on this show
I agree. I just don't like where the world is heading. Just multiple factions unifying themselves over hate for others. I think if we all worked a little harder to understand one another, instead of working so hard to prove why we're right and they're wrong, we could start seeing actual progress. Instead it'll keep…
I'm not talking about just this specifically. In general, people are more willing to personally attack someone for their views, than sit down and have civil discussions. It's happening everywhere, that's why people find their comfort zones within' a nice circle where everyone agrees with everyone. We need to embrace…
Spicer has obviously made his fair share of atrocious blunders. And as someone who can't stand Trump, he deserves severe scrutiny for every single one of them. But, I wish we could all recognize that we're human beings. I hate the fact that we all seem to be willing to personally attack everyone, with no regard to…
Ha! This conversation got pretty deep! That's a good story though, so I assume your name is Kendell Kay Jr. ? Nice to meet you sir.
How on earth would Morgan Freemans voice be distinctive if you didn't already know Morgan Freeman's voice? I have plenty of large individuals at my work with very deep distinctive voices, anyone of them could sound like Morgan Freeman, if I had no idea who Morgan Freeman was. You're supposed to understand that Morgan…
It's a movie. This is an argument that can be made about any movie, but we don't make these arguments, because you have to accept that it's a movie, before watching the movie.
Chips full name is actually "Chipford" which is classic.
You should watch every single episode of Breaking Bad.
He knows he can't make Jimmy pay "legally" for just the tape. But he can drive a wedge between Jimmy, and the 2 people who actually seem to have empathy for him (Kim and Ernie)
Don't get me wrong, I love this show, and I love me some Mike going about his business. But this premiere was a little sloooooooow. I hope things ramp up next week. I just love the general feel of this series, and how you know all the scenes will eventually mean something, I just noticed a little more in this episode…
I think you're exactly correct.
Yes, it seems obvious. But Chuck is also very smart and devious. And Howard seems to lay out all the ways the tape is useless. But Chuck has a more personal plan in place I believe. Something that will involve Kim.